Carlos Jaramillo
Quattrocchio, M. E., Martinez, M., F., H., and Jaramillo, C., 2013 Quantitative analysis of Cenozoic palynofloras from Patagonia (southern South America). : Palynology, v. 37, p. 246-258.
Pimiento, C., Monaco, E., Barbour, A.B., and Silliman, B.R. Predation on speared red lionfish, Pterois volitans, by spotted moray, Gymnothoraz moringa. Florida Scientist 76: 391-394.
Pimiento, C., Nifong, J. C., Hunter, M. E., Monaco, E. and Silliman, B. R. 2013 Habitat use patterns of the invasive red lionfish Pterois volitans: a comparison between mangrove and reef systems in San Salvador, Bahamas. Marine Ecology. doi: 10.1111/maec.12114.
Bayona, G., Cardona, A., Jaramillo, C., Mora, A., Montes, C., Valencia, V., Ayala, C., Montenegro, O., and Ibañez, M. 2012 Early Paleogene magmatism in the northern Andes: insights on the effects of Oceanic Plateau-continent convergence. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 331-332: 97-111.
Montes, C., Cardona, A., MacFadden, R., Moron, S.E., Silva, C.A., Restrepo-Moreno, S., Ramirez, D.A., Wilson, J., Farris, D., Bayona, G.A., Jaramillo, C., Valencia, V., and Flores, J.A. 2012 Evidence for middle Eocene and younger emergence in Central Panama: implications for Isthmus closure. Geological Society of America Bulletin, DOI: 10.1130/B30528.1.
Schemm-Gregory, M., Rojas-Briceño, A., Patarroyo, P., and Jaramillo, C. 2012. First report of Hadrosia Cooper, 1983 in South America and its biostratigraphical and paleobiogeographical implications. Cretaceous Research 34: 257-267
Punyasena, S., Jaramillo, C., de la Parra, F., and Du, Y. 2012. Probabilistic correlation of single stratigraphic samples – a generalized approach for biostratigraphic data. AAPG Bulletin 96: 235-244.
Correa, A., Bush, M., Cabrera, K., Sully, S., Brenner, M., Hodell, D., Escobar, J., and Guilderson, T. 2012. Rapid climate change and no-analog vegetation in lowland Central America during the last 86,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.01.025.
Rincon, A., Bloch, J.I., Suarez, C., MacFadden, B.J., and Jaramillo, C. New Floridatragulines (Mammalia, Camelidae) From The Early Miocene Las Cascadas Formation, Panama. 2012. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 32: 456-475.
Montes, C., Bayona, G., Cardona, A., Buchs, D.M., Silva, C.A., Moron, S.E., Hoyos, N., Ramirez, D.A., Jaramillo, C., and Valencia, V. 2012 Arc-Continent Collision and Orocline Formation: Closing of the Central American Seaway. Journal of Geophysical Research 117, doi:10.1029/2011JB008959
Rodriguez-Forero, G., Oboh-Ikuenobe, F., Jaramillo, C., Rueda, M., and Cadena, E. 2012. Palynology of the Eocene Esmeraldas Formation, Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia. Palynology, DOI:10.1080/01916122.2012.650548.
Herrera, F., Manchester, S., and Jaramillo, C. 2012 Permineralized fruits from the late Eocene of Panama give clues of the composition of forests established early in the uplift of Central America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 175:10-24.
Luque, J., Feldmann, R.M., Schweitzer, C.E., Jaramillo, C., and Cameron, C.B. 2012 The Oldest Frog Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Raninoida) From The Aptian Of Northern South America. Journal of Crustacean Biology 32: 405-420.
Cadena, E., Bourque, J., Rincon, A., Bloch, J.I., Jaramillo, C., and MacFadden, B. 2012 New Turtles (Chelonia) from the Late Eocene through Late Miocene of the Panama Canal Basin. Journal of Paleontology 86: 539-557.
Cadena, E., Ksepka, D.T., Jaramillo, C., Bloch, J.I. 2012 New pelomedusoid turtles (Testudines, Panpleurodira) from the late Palaeocene Cerrejón Formation of Colombia and implications for phylogeny and body size evolution. Journal of Systematic Paleontology 10: 313-331.
Cadena, E., Bloch, J., and Jaramillo, C., 2012. New Bothremydid turtle (Testudines, Pleurodira) from the Paleocene of North-Eastern Colombia. Journal of Paleontology 86: 689-699.
Silva, C., Bayona, G., Osorio, A., Montes, C., Jaramillo, C., and Santamaria, L. 2012 Documenting translation and vertical-axis rotations using paleomagnetic techniques along the Panama isthmus: Preliminary Results. Revista Tecnológica I+D 8: 43-48.
Escobar J, Hodell DA, Brenner M, Curtis JH, Gilli A, Mueller AD, Anselmetti FS, Ariztegui D, Grzesik DA, Perez L, Schwalb A, Guilderson TP. 2012. A ~43-ka record of paleoenvironmental change in the Central American lowlands inferred from stable isotopes of lacustrine ostracods. Quaternary Science Reviews, 37, 92-104
Manchester, S., Herrera, F., Fourtanier, E., Barron, J., and Martinez, J-N. 2012. Age of the Classical Belen Fruit and Seed Assemblage of the North Coastal Peru based on Diatom Biostratigraphy. Journal of Geology 120: 467-476.
Stull GW, Herrera F, Manchester S, Jaramillo C. 2012. Fruits of an “Old World” tribe (Phytocreneae; Icacinaceae) from the Paleogene of North and South America. Systematic Botany 37: 784-94
Whattam, S.A, Montes, C., McFadden, R., Cardona, A., Ramirez, D. and Valencia, V. 2012. Age and origin of earliest adakitic-like magmatism in Panama: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Panamanian magmatic arc system. Lithos 142-143: 226-244.
Jaramillo, C. 2012 Historia Geológica del Bosque Húmedo Neotropical. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 36: 59-80.
Molinares, C. Martinez, J.I., Fiorini, F., Escobar, J., and Jaramillo, C. 2012 Migration of the Magdalena delta during the Early Pliocene: paleoenvironmental evidences from Arroyo Piedras Section (Tubará), Colombia Caribbean. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 39: 170-183.
Ayala, C., Bayona, G., A., Cardona, A., Ojeda, C., Montenegro, O.C., Montes, C., Valencia, V., and Jaramillo, C. 2012. The Paleogene synorogenic succession in the northwestern Maracaibo block: tracking the shift from regional to local sediment-delivery systems. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 39: 93-111.
Cadena, E. A., Jaramillo. C., and Bloch, J.I. 2012 New material of the platychelyid turtle Notoemys zapatocaensis from the Early Cretaceous of Colombia; implications for understanding Pleurodira evolution. In D. Brinkman, P. Holroyd, J. Garner. Morphology and evolution of turtles. (Eds) Springer, p. 105-120.
Ochoa, D., Hoorn, C., Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., Parra, de la Parra, F, and Parra, M. 2012 The final phase of tropical lowland deposition in the axial zone of the Eastern Cordillera: Evidence from three palynological records. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 39: 157-169.
Jaramillo, C., and Quiroz, L., 2012, El registro sedimentario de Falcón, in Sanchez-Villagra, M., ed., Venezuela Paleontológica, Evolución en el pasado geológico del norte del neotrópico: Zurich, Universitat Zurich, p. 175-187.
Head, J., Rincon, A., Suarez, C., Montes, C., and Jaramillo, C. 2012. Fossil evidence for earliest Neogene American faunal interchange: Boa (Serpentes, Boinae) from the early Miocene of Panama. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32: 1328-1334.
Perez, L., Curtis, J., Brenner, M., Hodell, D., Escobar, J., Lozano, S, Schwalb, A., 2012. Stable isotope values (d18O & d13C) of multiple ostracode species in a large Neotropical lake as indicators of past changes in hydrology. Quaternary Science Reviews,
Escobar, J., Whitmore, T.J., Kamenov, G.D., Riedinger-Whitmore, M. 2012 Journal of Paleolimnology Isotope record of anthropogenic lead pollution in lake sediments of Florida, USA DOI 10.1007/s10933-012-9671-9.
Mejia, P., Dilcher, D., Jaramillo, C., and Fortini, L. 2012 Palynological composition of a Lower Cretaceous South American tropical sequence: Climatic implications and diversity comparisons with other latitudes. American Journal of Botany 99: 1819–1827.
Chew, D.M., Cardona, A., Miškovic, A. 2011. Tectonic evolution of western Amazonia from the assembly of Rodinia to its break-up. International Geology Review 53: 1280-1296.
Bayona, German; Montes, Camilo; Cardona, Agustin; Jaramillo, Carlos; Ojeda, German; Valencia, Victor. 2011 Intraplate basin response to oceanic-arc collision and subsequent subduction-related continental magmatism; a case from the southern Caribbean-South America plate margin. Basin Research 23: 403–422
Carvalho, M., Herrera, F., Jaramillo, C., Wing, S., and Callejas, R. 2011 Paleocene Malvaceae from northern South America and their biogeographical implications. American Journal of Botany 98: 1337-1355.
Hoorn, C., Wesselingh, F., Steege, H.t., Mora, A., Sevink, J., Sanmartin, I., Sanchez-Meseguer, A., Anderson, C.L., Figueiredo, J., Jaramillo, C., Riff, D., Negri, F.R., Hooghiemstra, H., Lundberg, J.G., Stadler, T., Sarkinen, T., and Antonelli, A., 2011, Origins of Biodiversity, Response: Science 331: 399-400.
Pimiento, C and Pringle, R. 2011. Fossil sharks: Learning from and about the past. Science Scope 34 (6) 52-59.
Feild, T.S., Brodribb, T.J., Iglesias, A., Chatelet, D.S., Baresh, A., Upchurch, G.R., Gomez, B., Mohr, B.A.R., Coiffard, C., Kvaček, J., and Jaramillo, C. 2011 Fossil evidence for Cretaceous escalation in angiosperm leaf vein evolution. PNAS 108: 8363-8366
Peppen, D., Royer, D., Cariglino, C., Oliver, S., Newman, D., Leight, E., Enikolopov, G., Fernandez-Burgos, M., Herrera, F., Adams, J., Correa, E., Currano, E., Hinojosa, F., Hoganson, J., Iglesias, A., Jaramillo, C., Johnson, K., Kraft, K., Levelock, E., Lusk, C., Niinemets, U., Peñuelas, J., Rapson, G., Wing, S., and Wright, I. 2011. Sensitivity of leaf size and shape to climate: global patterns and paleoclimatic applications. New Phytologist 190: 724-739
Perez, L., Frenzel, P., Brenner, M., Escobar, J., Hoelzmann, P., Scharf, B. and Schwalb, A. 2011. Late Quaternary (24–10 ka BP) environmental history of the Neotropical lowlands inferred from ostracodes in sediments of Lago Petén Itza´, Guatemala. Journal of Paleolimnology DOI 10.1007/s10933-011-9514-0
Velez, M., Curtis, J., Brenner, M., Escobar, J., and Popenoe de Hatch, M. 2011. Environmental and Cultural Changes in Highland Guatemala Inferred from Lake Amatitlán Sediments. Geoarcheology, DOI:10.1002/gea.20352.
Jaramillo, C., Rueda, M., and Torres, V. 2011. A Palynological Zonation for the Cenozoic of the Llanos and Llanos Foothills of Colombia. Palynology 35: 46-84.
Cadena, E. 2011. First record of eucryptodiran turtles from the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian), at the northernmost part of South America. South American Journal of Herpetology 6: 49-53.
Cardona, A., Valencia, V., Weber, M., Duque, J., Montes, C., Ojeda, G., Domanik, K., Nicolescu, S., and Villagomez, D. 2011 Transient Cenozoic tectonic stages in the southern margin of the Caribbean plate: U-Th/He thermochronological constraints from Eocene plutonic rocks in the Santa Marta massif and Serranía de Jarara, northern Colombia. Geologica Acta 9: 1-12.
Serrano, L., Ferrari, L., Lopez, M., Petrone, C.M., and Jaramillo, C. 2011 An integrative geologic, geochronologic and geochemical study of Gorgona Island, Colombia: implications for the formation of the Caribbean plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 309(3-4): 324-336.
Hasting, A., Bloch, J., and Jaramillo, C. 2011 A new longirostrine dyrosaurid (Crocodylomorpha, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Paleocene of north-eastern Colombia: biogeographic and behavioral implications for New World Dyrosauridae. Palaeontology 54: 1095-1116.
Cernusak, L.A., Winter, K., Martínez, C., Correa, E., Aranda, J., Garcia, M., Jaramillo, C. and Turner, B.L. 2011 Growth and water-use efficiency of legume versus non-legume tropical tree seedlings under elevated [CO2]. Plant Physiology 157: 372–385.
Cadena, E. 2011. Potential earliest record of Podocnemidoid Turtles, from the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) of Colombia. Journal of Paleontology 85: 877-881.
Punyasena, S., Dalling, J.W., Jaramillo, C., and Turner, B.L. 2011. Technical Comment on “The response of vegetation at the Andean flank in western Amazonia to Pleistocene climate change” – M. L. Cardenas et al., Science 331, 1055. Science, 1825a-b.
Antoine, P-O., Marivaux, L., Croft, D.A., Billet, G., Ganerød, M., Jaramillo, C., Martin, T., Orliac, M.J., Tejada, J., Altamirano, A., Duranthon, F., Fanjat, G., Rousse, S. and Salas-Gismondi, R. 2011 Middle Eocene from Peruvian Amazonia reveals pattern and timing of caviomorph rodent origin and biogeography. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.1732.
Farris, D.W., Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., Restrepo-Moreno, S., Montes, C., Cardona, A., Mora, A., Speakman, R.J., Glasscock, M.D., Reiners, P., Valencia, V. 2011 Fracturing of the Panamanian Isthmus during initial collision with South America. Geology, doi:10.1130/g32237.1