Carlos Jaramillo
Bacon, C. D., Silvestro, D., Jaramillo, C. A., Smith, B. T., Chakrabarty, P., and Antonelli, A., 2015, Reply to Lessios and Marko et al.: Early and progressive migration across the Isthmus of Panama is robust to missing data and biases: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi:10.1073/pnas.1515451112.
Baker, P. A., Fritz, S. C., Silva, C. G., Rigsby, C. A., Absy, M. L., Almeida, R. P., Caputo, M., Chiessi, C. M., Cruz, F. W., Dick, C. W., Feakins, S. J., Figueiredo, J., Freeman, K. H., Hoorn, C., Jaramillo, C., Kern, A. K., Latrubesse, E. M., Ledru, M. P., Marzoli, A., Myrbo, A., Noren, A., Piller, W. E., Ramos, M. I. F., Ribas, C. C., Trnadade, R., West, A. J., Wahnfried, I., and Willard, D. A., 2015, Trans-Amazon Drilling Project (TADP): origins and evolution of the forests, climate, and hydrology of the South American tropics: Scientific Drilling, v. 20, p. 41-49.
MacFadden, B. J., Symister, C., Cannarozzi, N., Pimiento, C., and DeGracia, C., 2015, Comparative Diagenesis and Rare Earth Element Variation in Miocene Invertebrate and Vertebrate Fossils from Panama: The Journal of Geology, v. DOI:10.1086/684006.
Rojas, A., Hendy, A., and Dietl, G. P., 2015, Edge-drilling behavior in the predatory gastropod Notocochlis unifasciata (Lamarck, 1822) (Caenogastropoda, Naticidae) from the Pacific coast of Panama: taxonomic and biogeographical implications: Vita Malacologica, v. 13, p. 63-72.
Cadena, Edwin A. and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2015. The first fossil skull of Chelus (Pleurodira: Chelidae; Matamata turtle) from the early Miocene of Colombia. Palaeontologia Electronica, : 1-10.
Sepulchre, P., Arsouze, T., Donnadieu, Y., Dutay, J.-C., Jaramillo, C., Le Bras, J., Martin, E., Montes, C., and Waite, A. J., 2014, Consequences of shoaling of the Central American Seaway determined from modeling Nd isotopes: Paleoceanography, v. 29. DOI 10.1002/2013PA002501
Karasawa, H., Schweitzer, C.E, Feldmann, R.M, and Luque, J. 2014. Phylogeny and Classification of the Raninoida (Decapoda: Brachyura). Journal of Crustacean Biology DOI:10.1163/1937240X-00002216.
Winston, B., Hausmann, S., Esvobar, J., and Kenney, W. 2014. A sediment record of trophic state change in Arkansas (USA) reservoir. Journal of Paleolimnology DOI 10.1007/s10933-013-9762-2.
Ballen, G.A. and Mojica, J.I. 2014. A new trans-Andean Stick Catfish of the genus Farlowella Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 (Siluformes: Loricariidae) with the first record of the genus for the río Magdalena Basin in Colombia. Zootaxa 3765: 134-142.
Zapata, S., Cardona, A., Montes, C., Valencia, V., Vervoortm J., and Reiners, P. 2014 Provenance of the Eocene Soebi Blanco formation, Bonaire, Leeward Antilles: Correlations with post-Eocene tectonic evolution of northern South America. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 52: 179-193
Geeta, R., Lohmann, L.G., Magallón, S., Faith, D., Hendry, A., Crandall, K., de Meester, L., Prieur-Richard, A-H., Conti, E., Cracraft, J., Forest, F., Jaramillo, C., Webb, C., and Donoghue, M. 2014 Biodiversity only makes sense in the light of evolution. Journal of Biosciences 39: DOI 10.1007/s12038-014-9427-y.
Castro, M.C., Carlini, A.A., Sanchez, R., and Sancez-Villagra, M. 2014 A new Dasypodini armadillo (Xenarthra: Cingulata) from San Gregorio Formation, Pliocene of Venezuela: affinities and biogeographic interpretations. Naturwissenschaften DOI 10.1007/s00114-013-1131-5
Hasting, A., Bloch, J., and Jaramillo, C., 2014, A new blunt-snouted dyrosaurid, Anthracosuchus balrogus gen. et sp. nov. (Crocodylomorpha, Mesoeucrocodylia), from the Palaeocene of Colombia: Historical Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology, v. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2014.918968
Carvalho, M. R., Wilf, P., Barrios, H., Windsor, D. M., Currano, E., Labandeira, C., and Jaramillo, C., 2014, Insect Leaf-Chewing Damage Tracks Herbivore Richness in Modern and Ancient Forests: PLoS ONE 9: e94950.
Velez, M.I., Escobar, J., Brenner, M., Rangel, O., Betancourt, A., Jaramillo, A.J., Curtis, J.H., and Moreno, J.L. 2014 Middle to late Holocene relative sea level rise, climate variability and environmental change along the Colombian Caribbean coast. The Holocene DOI: 10.1177/0959683614534740, 1:10
Rodriguez-Reyes, O., Falcon-Lang, H. J., Gasson, P., Collinson, M. E., and Jaramillo, C., 2014, Fossil woods (Malvaceae) from the lower Miocene (early to mid-Burdigalian) part of the Cucaracha Formation of Panama (Central America) and their biogeographic implications: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 209, p. 11-34.
Herrera, F., S. Manchester, J. Vélez-Juarbe, and C. Jaramillo. 2014. Phytogeographic History of the Humiriaceae (Part 2). International Journal of Plant Science 175:DOI: 10.1086/676818.
Jaramillo, C., Moreno, E., Ramirez, V., da Silva, S., Barrera, Atria, Barrera Adhara, Moron, S., Herrera, F., Escobar, J. Koll, R., Manchester, S. and Hoyos, N. 2014. Palynological record of the last 20 Million years in Panama. In: Stevens, W. D., Montiel, O. M. and Raven, P., Paleobotany and Biogeography: A Festschrift for Alan Graham in His 80th Year. St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, pp.134-251.
Moreno, E., Vergara, D., and Jaramillo, C. 2014 Las colecciones palinológicas del Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales (STRI), Panamá. Boletín de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Paleobotánica y Palinología 14: 207-222.
Han, J. G., H. Cao, A. Barb, S. W. Punyasena, A. Restrepo, C. Jaramillo, and C.-R. Shyo. 2014. A Neotropical Miocene Pollen Database Employing Image-Based Search and Semantic Modeling. Applications in Plant Sciences 2:1400030.
Forasiepi, A. M., L. H. Soibelzon, C. Suarez, R. Sánchez, L. I. Quiroz, C. Jaramillo, and M. R. Sanchez-Villagra. 2014. Carnivorans at the Great American Biotic Interchange: new discoveries from the northern Neotropics. Naturwissenschaften DOI 10.1007/s00114-014-1237-4.
Crifo, C., E. D. Currano, A. Baresh, and C. Jaramillo. 2014. Variations in angiosperm leaf vein density have implications for interpreting life form in the fossil record. Geology 42:919-922.
Herrera, F., S. R. Manchester, R. Koll, and C. Jaramillo. 2014. Fruits of Oreomunnea (Juglandaceae) in the early Miocene of Panama. Pages 124-133 in W. D. Stevens, O. M. Montiel, and P. Raven, editors. Paleobotany and Biogeography: A Festschrift for Alan Graham in His 80th Year. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St Louis, MO.
Jaramillo, C., 2014, Interview and Essay, in Sánchez-Villagra, M. R., and MacLeod, N., eds., Issues in Palaeobiology: A Global View. Interviews and Essays: Zürich, Switzerland, Scidinge Hall Verlag Zürich, p. 47-59.
Luque, J. 2014. A new genus and species of raninoidian crab (Decapoda, Brachyura) from the Lower Cretaceous of Colombia, South America. Scripta Geologica 147:27-34.
Pimiento, C., and C. F. Clements. 2014. When Did Carcharocles megalodon Become Extinct? A New Analysis of the Fossil Record. PLoS ONE 9:e111086.
Jaramillo, C., Cadena, E., and Herrera, F., 2014, Diversidad fosil en el valle de Cerrejon, in Baéz, L., and Trujillo, F., eds., Biodiversidad en Cerrejón: Bogotá, Colombia, Carbones de Cerrejón, Fundación Omacha, Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez, p. 39-55.
Herrera, F., Manchester, S. R., Carvalho, M. R., Jaramillo, C., and Wing, S. L., 2014, Paleocene wind-dispersed fruits and seeds from Colombia and their implications for early Neotropical rainforests: Acta Palaeobotanica 54: DOI 10.2478/acpa-2014-000x
Vasquez, S., and Pimiento, C., 2014, Sharks and rays from the Tonosi Formation (Eocene of Panamá): Revista Geológica de América Central, v. 51, p. 165-169.
Bacon, C., Mora, A., Wagner, W.L., and Jaramillo, C. 2013 Testing a new geological model of evolution of the Isthmus of Panama in a phylogenetic framework using palms (Arecaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 171: 287-300.
Bayona, G., Cardona, A., Jaramillo, C., Mora, A., Montes, C., Caballero, V., Mahechoa, H., Lamus, F., Montenegro, O., Jimenez, G., and Ibañez, M. 2013 Onset of fault reactivation in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and proximal Llanos basin; response to Caribbean – South American collision in early Palaeogene time. In Thick-Skin-Dominated Orogens: From Initial Inversion to Full Accretion, Nemcok, M., Mora, A.R. and Cosgrove, J.W. (eds). London, Geological Society of London Special Publication 377, DOI 10.1144/SP377.5.
Scheyer, T. M., Aguilera, O. A., Delfino, M., Fortier, D. C., Carlini, A. A., Sanchez, R., Carrillo, J. D., Quiroz, L., and Sanchez-Villagra, M., 2013, Crocodylian diversity peak and extinction in the late Cenozoic of the northern Neotropics: Nature Communications, v. 4, p. 1907.
Hastings, A., Bloch, J., Jaramillo, C., Rincon, A., MacFadden, B. 2013 Systematics and Biogeography of Crocodylians from the Miocene of Panama. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33: 239-263.
Jaramillo, C. and Cardenas, A. 2013 Global Warming and Neotropical Rainforests: A historical perspective. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences 41: 741-766.
Supplementary Materials for Jaramillo, C. and Cardenas, A. [Download]
Pimiento, C., Gonzales, G., Hendy, A., Jaramillo, C., MacFadden, B., Montes, C., Suarez, S., and Shippritt, M. 2013 Early Miocene chondrichthyes from the Culebra Formation, Panama: a window into marine vertebrate faunas before closure the Central American Seaway. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 42: 159-170.
Hoyos, N., Escobar, J., Restrepo, J.C., Arango, A.M., Ortiz, J. 2013 Impacto of the 2010-2011 La Niña phenomenon in Colombia, South America: The Human Toll of an extreme weather event. Applied Geography 39: 16-25.
Rincon, A., Bloch, J.I., MacFadden, B.J., and Jaramillo, C. 2013 First Central American Record of Anthracotheriidae (Mammalia, Bothriodontinae) from the early Miocene of Panama. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33: 421-433.
Haselhorst, D.S., Moreno, E., Punyasena, S.W. 2013 Variability within the 10-Year Pollen Rain of a Seasonal Neotropical Forest and Its Implications for Paleoenvironmental and Phenological Research. PLos ONE 8: e53485. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053485.
Jaramillo, C., M. Zavada, J. Ortiz, A. Pardo, & D. Ochoa. 2013. The Biogeography of the Araucarian dispersed pollen Cyclusphaera. International Journal of Plant Biology 174:489-498.
Vinn, O, and Luque, J. 2013 First record of a pectinariid-like (Polychaeta, Annelida) agglutinated worm tube from the Late Cretaceous of Colombia, Cretaceous Research 41: 107-110.
Restrepo, J.C., Franco, D., Escobar, J., Correa, I.D., Otero, L., and Gutierrez, J. 2013. Bahía de Cartagena (Colombia): distribución de sedimentos superficiales y ambientes sedimentarios. Latin America Journal of Aquatic Research 41: 99-112.
Aguilera, O., Moraes-Santos, H., Costa, S., Ohe, F., Jaramillo, C., and Nogueira, A. 2013 Ariid sea catfish from the coeval Pirabas (Northeastern Brazil), Cantaure, Castillo (Northwestern Venezuela) and Castilletes (North Colómbia) formations (Early Miocene), with description of three new species. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, DOI 10.1007/s13358-013-0052-4.
Martinez, C., Madriñan, S., Zavada, M., and Jaramillo, C. 2013. Tracing the fossil pollen record of Hedyosmum (Chloranthaceae), a basal angiosperm. Grana,
Pimiento, C., Gonzales-Barba, G., Ehret, D. J., Hendy, A., MacFadden, B. J., and Jaramillo, C., 2013, Sharks and Rays (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Late Miocene Gatun Formation of Panama: Journal of Paleontology, v. 87, p. 755-774.
Cernusak, L. A., Winter, K., Dalling, J. W., Holtum, J. A. M., Jaramillo, C., Körner, C., Leakey, A. D. B., Norby, R. J., Poulter, B., Turner, B. L., and Wright, S. J., 2013, Tropical forest responses to increasing atmospheric CO2: current knowledge and opportunities for future research: Functional Plant Biology v. 40, p. 531-551.
D’Apolito, C. Absy, M.L., and Latrubesse, E. 2013. The Hill of Six Lakes revisited: new data and re-evaluation of a key Pleistocene Amazon site. Quaternary Science Reviews 76: 140-155
Morón, S., Fox, D. L., Feinberg, J. M., Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., Montes, C., and Bloch, J. I., 2013, Climate change during the Early Paleogene in the Bogotá Basin (Colombia) inferred from paleosol carbon isotope stratigraphy, major oxides, and environmental magnetism: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 388, p. 115-127.
Aguilera, O., Lundberg, J., Birindelli, J., Sabaj Pérez, M., Jaramillo, C., and Sánchez-Villagra, M. R., 2013, Palaeontological Evidence for the Last Temporal Occurrence of the Ancient Western Amazonian River Outflow into the Caribbean: PLoS ONE, v. 8, no. 9, p. e76202.
Hart, M.B., Harries, P.J., and Cardenas, A.L. 2013. The Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary Events in the Guld Coast: Comparisons between Alabama and Texas. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 63: 235-255.
Paez-Reyes, M. and Head, M. 2013. The Cenozoic Gonyaulacacean Dinoflagellate Genera Operculodinium Wall, 1967 and Protoceratium Bergh, 1881 and Their Phylogenetic Relationships. Journal of Paleontology 87: 786-803.