STRI Coral Reef

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Carlos Jaramillo

Mentzer, Carlie, Garzione, Carmala, Jaramillo, Carlos, Hinojosa, Luis Felipe, Escobar, Jaime, Glade, Nataly, Gomez, Sebastian, Upadhyay, Deepshikha, Tripati, Aradhna, and Thirumalai, Kaustubh. 2025. "Late Miocene-early Pliocene hydroclimate evolution of the western Altiplano, northern Chile: Implications for aridification trends under warming climate conditions." Global and Planetary Change, 245.
Nuñez-Bolaño, Y., Hoyos, N., Correa-Metrio, A., Martínez, C., Pizano, C., Escobar, J., Huertas, C., and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2025. "Influence of climatic variables on biome transitions in the Colombian and Panamanian Caribbean region." Global and Planetary Change, 245 104669.
Caballero-Rodriguez, Dayenari and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2024. "rGrapCor: a tool for graphic correlation." Palynology,
Cadena, Edwin, Benítez, Byron, Apen, Francisco, Crowley, James, Cottle, John, and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2024. "Distribución Paleobiogeográfica más Amplia de Tortugas Botremididas en el Norte de Sur América Durante el Paleoceno–Eoceno." Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina,
Collevatti, Rosane G., Castañeda, Marcela, Silva-Caminha, Silane, and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2024. "Application of confocal laser microscopy for identification of modern and fossil pollen grains, an example in palm Mauritiinae." Review of palaeobotany and palynology, 327.
D’Apolito, Carlos, da Silva-Caminha, Silane A. F., and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2024. "Palynology of core 1-AS-20-AM from the Miocene and Quaternary of western Amazonia." Acta Palaeobotanica, 64, (2) 310–334.
Häggi, C., Bertassoli, D. J., Akabane, T. K., So, R. T., Sawakuchi, A. O., Chiessi, C. M., Mendes, V. R., Jaramillo, Carlos A., and Feakins, S. J. 2024. "Using Multi‐Homolog Plant‐Wax Carbon Isotope Compositions to Reconstruct Tropical Vegetation Types." Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129, (4).
Herrera, Fabiany, Carvalho, Mónica R., Stull, Gregory W., Jaramillo, Carlos, and Manchester, Steven R. 2024. "Cenozoic seeds of Vitaceae reveal a deep history of extinction and dispersal in the Neotropics." Nature Plants, 1–9.
Jaramillo, Carlos A., D’Apolito, Carlos, Silva-Caminha, Silane, and Caballero-Rodriguez, Dayenari. 2024. "A palynological zonation for the Neogene of the Solimões/Amazon basin, northwestern Amazonia." Palynology, 1–80.
Lara, Diana Karen Pérez, Martínez, Camila, Pizano, Camila, Jaramillo, Carlos A., and Vásquez, Víctor. 2024. "A Late Holocene Lecythidaceae wood record from Valle del Cauca, Colombia//Registro de madera de Lecythidaceae del Holoceno tardío en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia." Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 48, (189) 922–935.
León, Santiago, Parra, Mauricio, Marulanda, U. M., Monsalve, Gaspar, Jaramillo, Carlos, Vallejo-Hincapié, Felipe, and Valencia, Víctor A. 2024. "Tectonostratigraphic evolution of a marginal basin during the transition from arc collision to subduction: The case of the northern Pacific forearc of Colombia." GSA Bulletin,
Londoño, Liliana, Hinojosa, L. F., Jaramillo, Carlos, Gutiérrez, Néstor M., Pedroza, Viviana, and Escobar, Jaime. 2024. "Cuticular analysis of Late Pleistocene, Middle Holocene, and modern Nothofagus dombeyi leaves from Chile: Implications for understanding changes in plant function at different atmospheric CO2 concentrations." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 654.
Martínez, Camila, Pérez-Lara, Diana K., Avellaneda-Jiménez, David S., Caballero-Rodríguez, Dayenari, Rodríguez-Reyes, Oris, Crowley, James L., and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2024. "An early Miocene (Aquitanian) mangrove fossil forest buried by a volcanic lahar at Barro Colorado Island, Panama." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 637 112006.
Moreno, Jorge Enrique and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2024. "Thirty Years of Pollen Rain Sampling in the Barro Colorado Island 50-ha Plot." In The First 100 Years of Research on Barro Colorado: Plant and Ecosystem Science. 103–108. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. 1
Pérez‐Escobar, Oscar A., Bogarín, Diego, Przelomska, Natalia A. S., Ackerman, James D., Balbuena, Juan A., Bellot, Sidonie, Bühlmann, Roland P., Cabrera, Betsaida, Cano, Jose Aguilar, Charitonidou, Martha, Chomicki, Guillaume, Clements, Mark A., Cribb, Phillip, Fernández, Melania, Flanagan, Nicola S., Gravendeel, Barbara, Hágsater, Eric, Halley, John M., Hu, Ai‐Qun, Jaramillo, Carlos A., Mauad, Anna Victoria, Maurin, Olivier, Müntz, Robert, Leitch, Ilia J., Li, Lan et al. 2024. "The origin and speciation of orchids." New Phytologist, 242, (2) 700–716.
Custódio, Michele Andriolli, Roddaz, Martin, Santos, Roberto Ventura, Antoine, Pierre-Olivier, Marivaux, Laurent, Stutz, Narla S., Dantas, Elton Luiz, Jaramillo, Carlos, Louterbach, Mélanie, Hurtado, Christian, and Oliveira Gonçalves, Guilherme. 2023. "New stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental constraints on the Paleogene paleogeography of Western Amazonia." Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 124.
Cardona Castaño, Rafael Francisco, Jaramillo, Carlos, Pardo-Trujillo, Andr, Vento, Barbara, Quiroz-Cabascango, Daniela, and Angulo-Pardo, Estefan. 2023. "Palynology of Cretaceous amber deposits of the Oriente Basin-Ecuador and the Eastern Cordillera-Colombia." Boletín de Geología, 45, (3) 63–77.
Carrillo, Juan D., Jaramillo, Carlos, Abadía, Fernando, Aguilera, Orangel, Alfonso-Rojas, Andrés, Billet, Guillaume, Benites-Palomino, Aldo, Cadena, Edwin-Alberto, Cárdenas, Andrés, Carlini, Alfredo A., Carrillo-Briceño, Jorge, Carvalho, Mónica, Cortés, Dirley, Escobar, Jaime, Herrera, Fabiany, Link, Andrés, Luque, Javier, Martínez, Camila, Pérez-Lara, Diana Karen, Salas-Gismondi, Rodolfo, Suarez, Catalina, Stiles, Elena, Urrea-Barreto, Francisco J., and Zapata, Sebastián. 2023. "The Miocene La Venta Biome (Colombia): A century of research and future perspectives." Geodiversitas, 45, (26) 739–767.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. and Correa, Pablo. 2023. Isabela viaja en el tiempo. primera edición ed. Colombia: Editorial Nomos, S. A.
Benites-Palomino, Aldo, Vélez-Juarbe, Jorge, De Gracia, Carlos, and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2023. "Bridging two oceans: small toothed cetaceans (Odontoceti) from the Late Miocene Chagres Formation, eastern Caribbean (Colon, Panama)." Biology Letters, 19, (6).
Delclòs, Xavier, Peñalver, Enrique, Barrón, Eduardo, Peris, David, Grimaldi, David A., Holz, Michael, Labandeira, Conrad C., Saupe, Erin E., Scotese, Christopher R., Solórzano-Kraemer, Mónica M., Álvarez-Parra, Sergio, Arillo, Antonio, Azar, Dany, Cadena, Edwin A., Dal Corso, Jacopo, Kvaček, Jiří, Monleón-Getino, Antonio, Nel, André, Peyrot, Daniel, Bueno-Cebollada, Carlos, Gallardo, Alejandro, González-Fernández, Beatriz, Goula, Marta, Jaramillo, Carlos, Kania-Kłosok, Iwona et al. 2023. "Amber and the Cretaceous Resinous Interval." Earth-Science Reviews, 243.
Häggi, Christoph, Naafs, B. D., Silvestro, Daniele, Bertassoli, Dailson J., Akabane, Thomas K., Mendes, Vinícius R., Sawakuchi, André O., Chiessi, Cristiano M., Jaramillo, Carlos A., and Feakins, Sarah J. 2023. "GDGT distribution in tropical soils and its potential as a terrestrial paleothermometer revealed by Bayesian deep-learning models." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 362 41–64.
Jaramillo, Carlos. 2023. [Dataset] The evolution of extant Neotropical biomes Dataset. Distributed by Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Jaramillo, Carlos, Cárdenas, Andrés, and Bayona, Germán. 2023. "The Anthropocene, should it be a new geological time unit? //El Antropoceno, ¿debería ser una nueva unidad geológica de tiempo?" Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales,
Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2023. "Remembranza." Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales., 47, (184) 734.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. and Oviedo, Luz Helena. 2023. Hace un tiempo: un viaje paleontológico ilustrado por Colombia. Segunda Edicion ed. Colombia: Puntoaparte S.A.S.
Zapata, S., Calderon-Diaz, L., Jaramillo, C., Oboh-Ikuenobe, F., Piedrahita, J. C., Rodríguez-Cuevas, M., Cardona, A., Sobel, E. R., Parra, M., Valencia, V., Patiño, A., Jaramillo-Rios, J., Flores, M., and Glodny, J. 2023. "Drainage and sedimentary response of the Northern Andes and the Pebas system to Miocene strike-slip tectonics: A source to sink study of the Magdalena Basin." Basin Research,
Mora-Rojas, Laura, Cárdenas, Andrés, Jaramillo, Carlos, Silvestro, Daniele, Bayona, Germán, Zapata, Sebastián, Moreno, Federico, Silva, César, Moreno-Bernal, Jorge, Jaramillo, Juan Sebastián, Valencia, Victor, and Ibañez, Mauricio. 2023. "Stratigraphy of a middle Miocene neotropical Lagerstätte (La Venta Site, Colombia)." Geodiversitas, 45, (6) 197–221.
Jaramillo, Juan S., Zapata, Sebastian, Carvalho, Monica, Cardona, Agustin, Jaramillo, Carlos, Crowley, James L., Bayona, Germán, and Caballero‐Rodriguez, Dayenari. 2022. "Diverse Magmatic Evolutionary Trends of the Northern Andes Unraveled by Paleocene to Early Eocene Detrital Zircon Geochemistry." Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, (9).
Castañeda-Posadas, Carlos, Correa-Metrio, Alex, Escobar, Jaime, Moreno, J. E., Curtis, Jason H., Blaauw, Maarten, and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2022. "Mid to late Holocene sea-level rise and precipitation variability recorded in the fringe mangroves of the Caribbean coast of Panama." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 592.
Aguilera, Orangel, Jaramillo, Carlos, De Gracia, Carlos, Kriwet, Jürgen, and Rodriguez, Félix. 2022. "Fossil evidence for earlier radiation in istiophorid billfishes (Teleostei, Istiophoriformes) uncovered by comparative morphology of the caudal vertebrae." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,
De Gracia, Carlos, Correa-Metrio, Alex, Carvalho, Mónica, Velez-Juarbe, Jorge, Přikryl, Tomáš, Jaramillo, Carlos, and Kriwet, Jürgen. 2022. "Towards a unifying systematic scheme of fossil and living billfishes (Teleostei, Istiophoridae)." Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 20, (1).
de La Parra, Felipe, Jaramillo, Carlos, Kaskes, Pim, Goderis, Steven, Claeys, Philippe, Villasante-Marcos, Victor, Bayona, German, Hatsukawa, Yuichi, and Caballero, Dayenari. 2022. "Unraveling the record of a tropical continental Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in northern Colombia, South America." Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 114.
Jaramillo, Carlos, Shuster, Gheny Krigsfeld, Rojas, Carlo D., Henao, Alexander, Ojeda, Germán Y., Caballero, Dayenari, Escobar-Florez, Sebastian, Gomez, Sebastian, and Escobar, Jaime. 2022. "Upper Pleistocene deposits from the Cauca Valley Depósitos del Pleistoceno Superior en el Valle del Río Cauca." 46, (179) 482–495.
Arias, Paola A., Villegas, Laura D., Mesa, Oscar J., Pabón, José,D., Arango, Jacobo, Arango-Aramburo, Santiago, Armenteras, Dolors, Berrouet, Lina, Barahona, Rolando, Barco, Janet, Cardona, Yuley, Carvajal-Escobar, Yesid, Ceballos-Bonilla, Lina, Cerón, Wilmar,L., Escobar, Jaime H., González, Catalina, Hoyos, Isabel C., Hoyos, Natalia, Jaramillo, Carlos, Jiménez-Sánchez, Giovanni, Martínez, J. Alejandro, Poveda, Germán, Quesada, Benjamín, Quintero-Vallejo, Estela, Rendón, Ángela,M. et al. 2022. "Implicaciones metodológicas e inconsistencias de la Tercera Comunicación Nacional sobre Cambio Climático de Colombia Methodological implications and inconsistencies of Colombia's Third National Communication on Climate Change." 46, (180) 769–794.
Mothé, Dimila, Jaramillo, Carlos, Krigsfeld Shuster, Gheny, Oikawa, Nychollas, and Escobar-Florez, Sebastian. 2022. "Ain't no mountain high enough? New records of Notiomastodon platensis (Mammalia, Proboscidea) from Colombia and the Quaternary dry corridor of the Cauca valley." Historical Biology, 1–12.
Jaramillo, Carlos and Jarzen, David M. 2022. "Alan Keith Graham (1934-2021) Obituary." Palynology, 46, (1).
Stiles, Elena, Montes, Camilo, Jaramillo, Carlos, and Gingras, Murray K. 2022. "A shallow-water depositional interpretation for the upper Miocene Chagres Formation (Caribbean coast of Panama)." GSA Bulletin,
Ballen, Gustavo A., Moreno-Bernal, Jorge W., and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2021. "The fossil record of sabre-tooth characins (Teleostei: Characiformes: Cynodontinae), their phylogenetic relationships and palaeobiogeographical implications." Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 19, (24) 1679–1692.
Bayona, Germán, Baquero, Mauricio, Ramírez, Catalina, Tabares, Manuela, Salazar, Ana M., Nova, Giovanny, Duarte, Edward, Pardo, Andrés, Plata, Angelo, Jaramillo, Carlos, Rodríguez, Guillermo, Caballero, Victor, Cardona, Agustín, Montes, Camilo, Gómez Marulanda, Sebastián, and Cárdenas‐Rozo, Andrés L. 2021. "Unravelling the widening of the earliest Andean northern orogen: Maastrichtian to early Eocene intra‐basinal deformation in the northern Eastern Cordillera of Colombia." Basin Research, 31, (1) 809–845.
Antoine, Pierre-Olivier, Yans, Johan, Aliaga Castillo, Angelica, Stutz, Narla, Abello, M. Alejandra, Adnet, Sylvain, Custodio, Michele Andriolli, Benites-Palomino, Aldo, Billet, Guillaume, Boivin, Myriam, Herrera, Fabiany, Jaramillo, Carlos, Martinez, Camila, Moreno, Federico, Navarrete, Rosa E., Negri, Francisco Ricardo, Parra, Francisco, Pujos, Francois, Rage, Jean-Claude, Ribeiro, Ana Maria, Robinet, Celine, Roddaz, Martin, Tejada-Lara, Julia, V., Varas-Malca, Rafael, Santos, Roberto Ventura et al. 2021. "Biotic community and landscape changes around the Eocene-Oligocene transition at Shapaja, Peruvian Amazonia: Regional or global drivers?" Global and Planetary Change, 202.
Carrillo-Briceño, Jorge D., Sánchez, Rodolfo, Scheyer, Torsten M., Carrillo, Juan D., Delfino, Massimo, Georgalis, Georgios L., Kerber, Leonardo, Ruiz-Ramoni, Dami, Birindelli, José L. O., Cadena, Edwin-Alberto, Rincón, Aldo F., Chavez-Hoffmeister, Martin, Carlini, Alfredo A., Carvalho, Mónica R., Trejos-Tamayo, Ra, Vallejo, Felipe, Jaramillo, Carlos, Jones, Douglas S., and Sánchez-Villagra, Marcelo R. 2021. "A Pliocene–Pleistocene continental biota from Venezuela." Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 140 Article 9.
Carvalho, Mónica R., Jaramillo, Carlos, de La Parra, Felipe, Caballero-Rodríguez, Dayenari, Herrera, Fabiany, Wing, Scott, Turner, Benjamin L., D'Apolito, Carlos, Romero-Báez, Millerlandy, Narváez, Paula, Martínez, Camila, Gutierrez, Mauricio, Labandeira, Conrad C., Bayona, German, Rueda, Milton, Paez-Reyes, Manuel, Cárdenas, Dairon, Duque, Álvaro, Crowley, James L., Santos, Carlos, and Silvestro, Daniele. 2021. "Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origin of modern Neotropical rainforests." Science, 372, (6537) 63–68.
D'Apolito, Carlos, Jaramillo, Carlos A., and Harrington, Guy. 2021. Miocene palynology of the Solimões Formation (Well 1-AS-105-AM), Western Brazilian Amazonia. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Scholarly Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 105.
Gomes, Bianca Tacoronte, Absy, Maria Lucia, D'Apolito, Carlos, Caballero-Rodriguez, Dayenari, Martinez, Camila, and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2021. "Miocene paleoenvironments and paleoclimatic reconstructions based on the palynology of the Solimoes Formation of Western Amazonia (Brazil)." Palynology,
Martinez, Camila, Jaramillo, Carlos, Martinez-Murcia, Jhonatan, Crepet, William, Cardenas, Andres, Escobar, Jaime, Moreno, Federico, Pardo-Trujillo, Andres, and Caballero-Rodriguez, Dayenari. 2021. "Paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstruction of a middle to late Eocene South American tropical dry forest." Global and Planetary Change, 205.
Carvalho, Monica R., Herrera, Fabiany, Gomez Marulanda, Sebastian, Martinez, Camila, and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2021. "Early Records of Melastomataceae from the Middle-Late Paleocene Rain Forests of South America Conflict with Laurasian Origins." International journal of plant sciences,
Jaramillo, Carlos, Camilo Villegas, Juan, Correa-Metrio, Alex, Escobar, Jaime, and Hoyos, Natalia. 2021. "Effects of consecutive dry and wet days on the forest-savanna boundary in north-west South America." Global Ecology and Biogeography,
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