Carlos Jaramillo
Zapata, Sebastián, Zapata-Henao, M., Cardona, A., Jaramillo, C., Silvestro, D., and Oboh-Ikuenobe, F. 2021. "Long-term topographic growth and decay constrained by 3D thermo-kinematic modeling: Tectonic evolution of the Antioquia Altiplano, Northern Andes." Global and Planetary Change, 203.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2021. [Dataset] Supplementary Material Miocene palynology of the Solimões Formation (well 1-AS-105-AM). Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2021. [Dataset] Supplementary material for Paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstruction of a middle to late Eocene South American tropical dry forest. Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution.
Ballen, Gustavo A., Jaramillo, Carlos A., Dagosta, Fernando C. P., and Pinna, Mario C. C. De. 2021. "A Fossil Fish Assemblage from the Middle Miocene of the Cocinetas Basin, Northern Colombia." Papers in Palaeontology, 1–17.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. and de La Parra, Felipe. 2021. [Dataset] Supplementary Files Unraveling the record of a tropical continental Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in northern Colombia, South America. Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution.
Gomes, Bianca Tacoronte and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2021. [Dataset] Palynology of the Miocene Solimões Formation, western Amazonia-Brazil: borehole 1-AS-15-AM. Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. and Jarzen, David M. 2021. [Dataset] Supplementary Files Alan K Graham Obituary in Palynology. Distributed by Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Pérez-Escobar, Oscar Alejandro, Jaramillo, Carlos, Zuluaga, Alejandro, García-Revelo, Santiago, Bogarín, Diego, and Dodsworth, Steven. 2021. "Two new orchid species (Camaridium: Maxillariinae; Lepanthes: Pleurothallidinae) from the Pacific slope of the Northern Andes, Colombia." Lankesteriana, 351–362.
Mander, Luke, Parins‐Fukuchi, Caroline, Dick, Christopher W., Punyasena, Surangi W., and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2021. "Phylogenetic and ecological correlates of pollen morphological diversity in a Neotropical rainforest." Biotropica, 53, (1) 74–85.
Cardenas, Damian, Oboh-Ikuenobe, Francisca, and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2021. "New acritarch and peridinioid dinoflagellate cyst species from the Oligocene-Miocene of Colombia." Review of palaeobotany and palynology, 290.
Bacon, Christine D., Gutierrez-Pinto, Natalia, Flantua, Suzette, Castellanos Suarez, Diego, Jaramillo, Carlos, Pennington, R. Toby, and Antonelli, Alexandre. 2021. "The seasonally dry tropical forest species Cavanillesia chicamochae has a middle Quaternary origin." Biotropica,
Silva, Cesar, Cardenas, Damian, Londoño, Liliana, Turner, Benjamin L., and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2021. "Geological Map of the Fortuna Forest Reserve." In Fortuna Forest Reserve, Panama Interacting Effects of Climate and Soils on the Biota of a Wet Premontane Tropical Forest. Dalling, James W. and Turner, Benjamin L., editors. 35–46. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Scholarly Press.
Leon, Santiago, Jaramillo, Carlos, Monsalve, Gaspar, Posada, Gustavo, de Miranda, Tiago Siqueira, Echeverri, Sebastian, and Valencia, Victor A. 2021. "Increased megathrust shear force drives topographic uplift in the Colombian coastal forearc." Tectonophysics, 820.
Aguilera, Orangel, Bencomo, Karen, Oliveira de Araújo, Olga M., Dias, Bruna Borba, Coletti, Giovanni, Lima, Daniel, da Silva-Caminha, Silane A. F., Polck, Marcia, Martins, Maria Virgínia Alves, Jaramillo, Carlos, Kutter, Vinicius Tavares, and Lopes, Ricardo Tadeu. 2020. "Miocene heterozoan carbonate systems from the western Atlantic equatorial margin in South America: The Pirabas formation." Sedimentary Geology, 407.
Aguilera, Orangel, Oliveira de Araújo, Olga M., Hendy, Austin, Nogueira, Anna A. E., Nogueira, Afonso C. R., Wagner Maurity, Clovis, Tavares Kutter, Vinicius, Alves Martins, Maria Virginia, Coletti, Giovanni, Borba Dias, Bruna, Silva-Caminha, Silane, Jaramillo, Carlos, Bencomo, Karen, and Lopes, Ricardo Tadeu. 2020. "Palaeontological framework from Pirabas Formation (North Brazil) used as potential model for equatorial carbonate platform - ScienceDirect." Marine Micropaleontology, 154 1–23.
Azevedo, Josué A. R., Collevatti, Rosane G., Jaramillo, Carlos, Strömberg, Caroline A. E., Guedes, Thaís B., Matos-Maraví, Pável, Bacon, Christine D., Carrillo, Juan David, Faurby, Søren, and Antonelli, Alexandre. 2020. "On the Young Savannas in the Land of Ancient Forests." In Neotropical Diversification: Patterns and Processes. Rull, V. and Carnaval, A., editors. 271–299. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. (,
Barreda, Viviana D., Zamaloa, María del Carmen, Gandolfo, María A., Jaramillo, Carlos, and Wilf, Peter. 2020. "Early Eocene spore and pollen assemblages from the Laguna del Hunco fossil-lake beds, Patagonia, Argentina." International journal of plant sciences, 181, (6) 1–22.
Benites-Palomino, Aldo, Aguirre-Fernandez, Gabriel, Moreno-Bernal, Jorge W., Vanegas, Andres, and Jaramillo, Carlos. 2020. "Miocene Freshwater Dolphins from La Venta, Huila, Colombia Suggest Independent Invasions of Riverine Environments in Tropical South America." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e1812078–e1812078.
Cadena, Edwin-Alberto, Vanegas, Andrés, Jaramillo, Carlos, Cottle, John M., and Johnson, Thomas A. 2020. "A new Miocene turtle from Colombia sheds light on the evolutionary history of the extant genus Mesoclemmys Gray, 1873." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 39, (5) 1–11.
Cardenas, Damian, Jaramillo, Carlos, and Oboh-Ikuenobe, Francisca. 2020. "Early Miocene marine palynology of the Colombian Caribbean Margin: biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic implications." Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 558 109955–109955.
Carrillo, Juan D., Faurby, Søren, Silvestro, Daniele, Zizka, Alexander, Jaramillo, Carlos, Bacon, Christine D., and Antonelli, Alexandre. 2020. "Disproportionate extinction of South American mammals drove the asymmetry of the Great American Biotic Interchange." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Article 202009397.
da Silva-Caminha, Silane A. F., D'Apolito, Carlos, Jaramillo, Carlos, Espinosa, Bruno S., and Rueda, Milton. 2020. "Palynostratigraphy of the Ramon and Solimões formations in the Acre Basin, Brazil." Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 103.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2020. [Dataset] Miocene palynology of the Solimões Formation (well 1-AS-105-AM), western Brazilian Amazonia SOM. Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2020. [Dataset] End-Cretaceous Supplementary. Distributed by figshare.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. and Ortiz, John. 2020. [Dataset] SDAR. Distributed by The Smithsonian Institution.
Jaramillo, Carlos, Sepulchre, Pierre, Cardenas, Damian, Correa‐Metrio, Alexander, Moreno, J. E., Trejos, Raul, Vallejos, Diego, Hoyos, Natalia, Martínez, Camila, Carvalho, Daniella, Escobar, Jaime, Oboh‐Ikuenobe, Francisca, Prámparo, Mercedes B., and Pinzón, Diego. 2020. "Drastic Vegetation Change in the Guajira Peninsula (Colombia) During the Neogene." Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35, (11).
Martínez, Camila, Jaramillo, Carlos, Correa-Metrío, Alexander, Crepet, William, Moreno-Patino, Jorge Enrique, Aliaga, A., Moreno, Federico, Ibañez-Mejia, Mauricio, and Bush, Mark B. 2020. "Neogene precipitation, vegetation, and elevation history of the Central Andean Plateau." Science Advances, 6, (35) Article eaaz4724.
Pimiento, Catalina, Bacon, Christine D., Silvestro, Daniele, Hendy, Austin, Jaramillo, Carlos, Zizka, Alexander, Meyer, Xavier, and Antonelli, Alexandre. 2020. "Selective extinction against redundant species buffers functional diversity." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287, (1931).
Romero, Ingrid C., Kong, Shu, Fowlkes, Charless C., Jaramillo, Carlos, Urban, Michael A., Oboh-Ikuenobe, Francisca, D'Apolito, Carlos, and Punyasena, Surangi W. 2020. "Improving the taxonomy of fossil pollen using convolutional neural networks and superresolution microscopy." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, (45) 28496–28505.
Scholz, Serena R., Petersen, Sierra V., Escobar, Jaime, Jaramillo, Carlos, Hendy, Austin J. W., Allmon, Warren D., Curtis, Jason H., Anderson, Brendan M., Hoyos, Natalia, Restrepo, Juan C., and Perez, Nicolas. 2020. "Isotope sclerochronology indicates enhanced seasonal precipitation in northern South America (Colombia) during the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum." Geology, 48, (7) 568–572.
Cid, Patricia, Casini, Leonardo, Leon, Santiago, Gómez, S., Jaramillo, Carlos, Baroni, Mirta Linero, and Scalici, Maria. 2019. "Conservación del legado técnico cultural del real cuerpo de ingenieros en Panamá: el patrimonio fortificado de Portobelo y San Lorenzo." In Le Mura Urbane Crollano: Conservazione e Manutenzione Programmata della Cinta Muraria dei Centri Storici. Di Silvo, M. and Ladiana, D., editors. 193–217. Pisa: Italia: Pisa University Press.
Cortés, Dirley, De Gracia, Carlos, Carrillo-Briceño, Jorge D., Aguirre-Fernández, Gabriel, Jaramillo, Carlos, Benites-Palomino, Aldo, and Atencio-Araúz, Joaquín Enrique. 2019. "Shark-cetacean trophic interactions during the late Pliocene in the Central Eastern Pacific (Panama)." Palaeontologia Electronica, 22, (2) 1–13.
D'Apolito, Carlos, Silva-Caminha, Silane, Jaramillo, Carlos, Dino, Rodolfo, and Soares, Emílio A. A. 2019. "The Pliocene–Pleistocene palynology of the Negro River, Brazil." Palynology, 43, (2) 223–243.
Fontes, Daiana, Jaramillo, Carlos, and Moreno, Jorge Enrique. 2019. "Pollen morphology of the Amacayacu Forest dynamics plot, Western Amazon, Colombia." Palynology, 1–48.
Gomes, Bianca Tacoronte, Absy, Maria Lúcia, D'Apolito, Carlos, Jaramillo, Carlos, and Almeida, Ronaldo. 2019. "Compositional and diversity comparisons between the palynological records of the Neogene (Solimões Formation) and Holocene sediments of Western Amazonia." Palynology, 1–12.
Graham, Heather V., Herrera, Fabiany, Jaramillo, Carlos, Wing, Scott L., and Freeman, Katherine H. 2019. "Canopy structure in Late Cretaceous and Paleocene forests as reconstructed from carbon isotope analyses of fossil leaves." Geology, 47 1–5.
Herrera, Fabiany, Carvalho, Mónica, Jaramillo, Carlos, and Manchester, Steven R. 2019. "19-Million-Year-Old Spondioid Fruits from Panama Reveal a Dynamic Dispersal History for Anacardiaceae." International journal of plant sciences, 1–14.
Herrera, Fabiany, Carvalho, Mónica, Wing, Scott L., Jaramillo, Carlos, and Herendeen, Patrick S. 2019. "Middle to Late Paleocene Leguminosae fruits and leaves from Colombia." Australian Systematic Botany, 32, (6) 385–408.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2019. "140 Million Years of Tropical Biome Evolution." In Mesozoic. Gómez, J. and Pinilla-Chacón, A. O., editors. 1–28. Bogotá, Colombia: Servicio Geológico Colombiano. 2 in The Geology of Colombia.
Jaramillo, Carlos and Rueda, Milton. 2019. A Morphological Electronic Database of Cretaceous-Tertiary and Extant pollen and spores from Northern South America, v. 2019. Dec 31, 2019
Luque, Javier, Feldmann, R. M., Vernygora, O., Schweitzer, C. E., Cameron, C. B., Kerr, K. A., Vega, F. J., Duque, A., Strange, M., Palmer, A. R., and Jaramillo, C. 2019. "Exceptional preservation of mid-Cretaceous marine arthropods and the evolution of novel forms via heterochrony." Science Advances, 5, (4) 1–15.
Pérez-Escobar, Oscar Alejandro, Lucas, Eve, Jaramillo, Carlos, Monro, Alexandre, Morris, Sarah K., Bogarín, Diego, Greer, Deborah, Dodsworth, Steven, Aguilar-Cano, Jose, Sanchez Meseguer, Andrea, and Antonelli, Alexandre. 2019. "The Origin and Diversification of the Hyperdiverse Flora in the Chocó Biogeographic Region." Frontiers in Plant Science, 10 1328.
Quiroz, Luis I., Buatois, Luis A., Seike, Koji, Mángano, M. Gabriela, Jaramillo, Carlos, and Sellers, Andrew J. 2019. "The search for an elusive worm in the tropics, the past as a key to the present, and reverse uniformitarianism." Scientific Reports, 9 Article 18402.
Rojas-Rengifo, Diana, Ulloa-Guerrero, Cindy, Joppich, Markus, Haas, Rainer, Delgado, Maria del Pilar, Jaramillo, Carlos, and Jiménez-Soto, Luisa F. 2019. "Tryptophan usage by Helicobacter pylori differs among strains." Scientific Reports, 9, (1) 1–9.
Carrillo, Juan D., Amson, Eli, Jaramillo, Carlos, Sánchez, Rodolfo, Quiroz, Luis, Cuartas, Carlos, Rincón, Aldo F., and Sánchez-Villagra, Marcelo R. 2018. The Neogene Record of Northern South American Native Ungulates. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. In Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 101.
Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2018. "Evolution of the Isthmus of Panama: Biological, Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatological Implications." In Mountains, Climate and Biodiversity. Hoorn, Carina, Perrigo, Allison, and Antonelli, Alexandre, editors. 323–338. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Londoño, Liliana, Royer, Dana L., Jaramillo, Carlos, Escobar, Jaime, Foster, David A., Cárdenas-Rozo, Andrés L., and Wood, Aaron. 2018. "Early Miocene CO2 estimates from a Neotropical fossil leaf assemblage exceed 400 ppm." American Journal of Botany, 105, (11) 1929–1937.
Ortiz, John R. and Jaramillo, Carlos A. 2018. [Dataset] SDAR: A Toolkit for Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R. [MS Excel] Distributed by Smithsonian Research Online.
Pérez-Consuegra, Nicolas, Góngora, Daniel E., Herrera, Fabiany, Jaramillo, Carlos, Montes, Camilo, Cuervo-Gómez, Aura M., Hendy, Austin, Machado, Alejandro, Cárdenas, Damián, and Bayona, Germán. 2018. "New records of Humiriaceae fossil fruits from the Oligocene and Early Miocene of the western Azuero Peninsula, Panamá." Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 70, (1) 223–239.
Pérez-Consuegra, Nicolás, Parra, Mauricio, Jaramillo, Carlos, Silvestro, Daniele, Echeverri, Sebastián, Montes, Camilo, Jaramillo, José María, and Escobar, Jaime. 2018. "Provenance analysis of the Pliocene Ware Formation in the Guajira Peninsula, northern Colombia: Paleodrainage implications." Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 81 66–77.