Ashley Sharpe
Ebert, Claire E., Hixon, Sean W., Buckley, Gina M., George, Richard J., Pacheco-Fores, Sof, Palomo, Juan Manuel, Sharpe, Ashley E., Solís-Torres, Óscar R., Davis, J. B., Fernandes, Ricardo, and Kennett, Douglas J. 2024. "The Caribbean and Mesoamerica Biogeochemical Isotope Overview (CAMBIO)." Scientific Data, 11, (349).
Sharpe, Ashley E., Laumbach, Karl, Wylde, Michael, Kamenov, George, Krigbaum, John, and Tawater, Art. 2024. "Isotopic Evidence Supports Existence of Late Holocene Bison Herds in West Central New Mexico." KIVA, 1–25.
Sharpe, Ashley E., Manuel Palomo, Juan, Inomata, Takeshi, Triadan, Daniela, Pinzón, Flory, Curtis, Jason, Emery, Kitty, Kamenov, George, Krigbaum, John, MacLellan, Jessica, and Paula Weihmüller, María. 2024. "An isotopic examination of Maya Preclassic and Classic animal and human diets at Ceibal, Guatemala." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 55.
Weihmüller, María Paula, Izeta, Andrés Darío, Sharpe, Ashley, Takigami, Mai, Costa, Thiago, and Cattáneo, Gabriela Roxana. 2024. "Assessing the diet of modern and archaeological guanacos from the Great Chaco in Córdoba, Argentina, through stable isotope analysis (δ 13 C, δ 15 N) of bone and dentin collagen Implications for paleoenvironmental and zooarchaeological studies." The Holocene,
Sharpe, Ashley E. and Krigbaum, John, editors. 2022. Isotope Research in Zooarchaeology: Methods, Applications, and Advances. University Press of Florida.
Sharpe, Ashley E. and Aoyama, Kazuo. 2022. "Lithic and Faunal Evidence for Craft Production Among the Middle Preclassic Maya at Ceibal, Guatemala." Ancient Mesoamerica, 1–25.
Sharpe, Ashley E., Arroyo, Barbara, Wright, Lori E., Aju, Gloria, Estrada, Javier, Kamenov, George D., Serech, Emanuel, and Zavodny, Emily. 2022. "Comparison of human and faunal enamel isotopes reveals diverse paleodiet and exchange patterns at the highland Maya Site of Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala." Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 14, (1).
Sharpe, Ashley E., Smith-Guzmán, Nicole, Curtis, Jason, Isaza-Aizpurúa, Ilean, Kamenov, George D., Wake, Thomas A., and Cooke, Richard G. 2021. "A preliminary multi-isotope assessment of human mobility and diet in pre-Columbian Panama." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 36.
Inomata, Takeshi, Fernandez-Diaz, Juan Carlos, Triadan, Daniela, Garcia Mollinedo, Miguel, Pinzon, Flory, Garcia Hernandez, Melina, Flores, Atasta, Sharpe, Ashley, Beach, Timothy, Hodgins, Gregory W. L., Duron Diaz, Juan Javier, Guerra Luna, Antonio, Guerrero Chavez, Luis, Hernandez Jimenez, Maria de Lourdes, and Moreno Diaz, Manuel. 2021. "Origins and spread of formal ceremonial complexes in the Olmec and Maya regions revealed by airborne lidar." Nature Human Behaviour, 5, (11) 1487.
Scaffidi, Beth K., Kamenov, George D., Sharpe, Ashley E., and Krigbaum, John. 2021. "Non-Local Enemies or Local Subjects of Violence?: Using Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and Lead (206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb) Isobiographies to Reconstruct Geographic Origins and Early Childhood Mobility of Decapitated Male Heads from the Majes Valley, Peru." Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory,
Clarke, Mary E., Sharpe, Ashley E., Hannigan, Elizabeth M., Carden, Megan E., Luna, Gabriella Velásquez, Beltrán, Boris, and Hurst, Heather. 2021. "Revisiting the Past: Material Negotiations between the Classic Maya and an Entombed Sweat Bath at Xultun, Guatemala." Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 31, (1) 67–94.
Sharpe, Ashley E., Inomata, Takeshi, Triadan, Daniela, Burham, Melissa, MacLellan, Jessica, Munson, Jessica, and Pinzón, Flory. 2020. "The Maya Preclassic to Classic transition observed through faunal trends from Ceibal, Guatemala." PLOS ONE, 15, (4) 1–42.
Pfeiffer, John M., Atkinson, Carla L., Sharpe, Ashley E., Capps, Krista A., Emery, Kitty F., and Page, Lawrence M. 2019. "Phylogeny of Mesoamerican freshwater mussels and a revised tribe-level classification of the Ambleminae." Zoologica Scripta, 48, (1) 106–117.
Sharpe, Ashley E. 2019. "The Ancient Shell Collectors: Two Millennia of Marine Shell Exchange at Ceibal, Guatemala." Ancient Mesoamerica, 1–24.
LeFebvre, Michelle J. and Sharpe, Ashley E. 2018. "Contemporary Challenges in Zooarchaeological Specimen Identification." In Zooarchaeology in Practice. 35–57. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Pfeiffer, John M., Sharpe, Ashley E., Johnson, Nathan A., Emery, Kitty F., and Page, Lawrence M. 2018. "Correction to: Molecular phylogeny of the Nearctic and Mesoamerican freshwater mussel genus Megalonaias." Hydrobiologia, 811, (1) 153–154.
Pfeiffer, John M., Sharpe, Ashley E., Johnson, Nathan A., Emery, Kitty F., and Page, Lawrence M. 2018. "Molecular phylogeny of the Nearctic and Mesoamerican freshwater mussel genus Megalonaias." Hydrobiologia, 811, (1) 139–151.
Sharpe, Ashley E., Emery, Kitty F., Inomata, Takeshi, Triadan, Daniela, Kamenov, George D., and Krigbaum, John. 2018. "Earliest isotopic evidence in the Maya region for animal management and long-distance trade at the site of Ceibal, Guatemala." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, (14) 3605–3610.
Sharpe, Ashley E., Kamenov, George D., and Krigbaum, John. 2018. "Mobility and Lead Isotopes." In The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. 1–3. American Cancer Society.
Aoyama, Kazuo, Inomata, Takeshi, Triadan, Daniela, Pinzón, Flory, Palomo, Juan Manuel, MacLellan, Jessica, and Sharpe, Ashley. 2017. "Early Maya Ritual Practices and Craft Production: Late Middle Preclassic Ritual Deposits Containing Obsidian Artifacts at Ceibal, Guatemala." Journal of Field Archaeology, 42, (5) 408–422.
Inomata, Takeshi, Pinzón, Flory, Palomo, Juan Manuel, Sharpe, Ashley, Ortíz, Raúl, Méndez, María Belén, and Román, Otto. 2017. "Public Ritual and Interregional Interactions: Excavations of the Central Plaza of Group A, Ceibal." Ancient Mesoamerica, 28, (1) 203–232.
Sharpe, Ashley E., Kamenov, George D., Gilli, Adrian, Hodell, David A., Emery, Kitty F., Brenner, Mark, and Krigbaum, John. 2016. "Lead (Pb) Isotope Baselines for Studies of Ancient Human Migration and Trade in the Maya Region." PLOS ONE, 11, (11).