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Every day, our researchers and educators bring the Smithsonian to life for you. Their passion is contagious. Their purpose is to discover and share new knowledge about life in the tropics, past and present, and its relevance to human welfare. Be inspired by the people who are answering the big questions, forging a path into the future, and sparking lifelong learning.


Every day, our researchers and educators bring the Smithsonian to life for you. Their passion is contagious. Their purpose is to discover and share new knowledge about life in the tropics, past and present, and its relevance to human welfare. Be inspired by the people who are answering the big questions, forging a path into the future, and sparking lifelong learning.

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Spark scientific discovery.
Invest in tropical science.

STRI relies on curious, passionate supporters like you to fund our groundbreaking research, train the next generation of tropical scientists and open young minds to the wonders of science and nature.
Give today and make a bold statement in support of our mission to unravel the mysteries of tropical biodiversity.

Contact Us

For any inquiries and other payment options, please contact the development office.

Lisa Barnett

Director of Development
+1 (202) 633-4014
Washington, D.C.

Ornella E. Rincones Medina

Advancement Manager
+507 68511757
Panama, Republic of Panama

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