Mi Ambiente
Export Permit

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Ministry of Environment (Mi Ambiente) Scientific Export Permit Application (Former ANAM)

(For exclusive use on non-commercial scientific, academic, educational work. Includes samples collected on protected areas, non-protected terrestrial, freshwater, and marine areas, and CITES species) or re-export of samples. It also covers resources previously collected under scientific permits issued by the Aquatic Resources Authority of Panama (ARAP)

To apply for a Scientific Permit to Export Genetic, Biological, and non-Biological Resources (water/sediments/others) from the MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, you MUST include the following information/documents in your application package:

STRI Permits Frequently Asked Questions

Your application package contains sensitive privacy information. The document (s) must be submitted through a secure transfer or an encrypted email, with the password called in by phone or on a separate email.

  1. Ministerio de Ambiente Export Permit Form duly completed in Spanish and signed.
    (For your convenience we can provide a list of independent translators that you may contact directly).
  2. Collecting Report Form duly completed in Spanish and signed.
  3. Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) duly completed in Spanish and signed, except for those sections where STRI requires to input its information and to sign the form.
    NOTE: An English version of the Material Transfer Agreement is available only for your reference. You must submit the Spanish version.
  4. Specimen Deposit Letter (Carta Remisoria)
    NOTE: You MUST deposit at one of the Approved Reference Collections (see list below) one or more specimens of each of the species in your Research and Collecting Permit
    1. For Flora (Terrestrial, Fresh Water, and Marine):
      Samples MUST be deposited in the “Herbario de la Universidad de Panamá” (University of Panama Herbarium). You must include in your package:
      1. Carta Remisoria duly completed in Spanish and signed.
      2. $10.00 payment receipt for the certification of deposit of samples at the Herbarium. Payment should be done at the cashier located at the Science’s School, University of Panama (open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.).
      3. Please contact Lucila Guillen to deposit the samples at the Herbarium and obtain the Carta Remisoria signed and stamp by the Herbarium. Email: lucilapma@gmail.com or herbariopma@gmail.com. Telephone: 523-6213
    2. For Terrestrial Vertebrates samples (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians):
      Samples MUST be deposited in the “Museo de Vertebrados de la Universidad de Panamá” (University of Panama Vertebrates Museum). You must include in your package:
      1. Carta Remisoria duly completed in Spanish and signed.
      2. Please contact Dr. Víctor Tejera or Ricardo Pérez to deposit the samples at the Vertebrates Museum and obtain the Carta Remisoria signed and stamp by the Museum Email: museover@up.ac.pa or rijperez@yahoo.com.
        Telephone 523-6217
    3. For Entomological samples:
      Samples MUST be deposited in the “Museo de Invertebrados Fairchild de la Universidad de Panamá (MIUP)” (University of Panama Fairchild Invertebrates Museum). Please read the Specimen preparation donation guidelines and complete the insect deposit form. You must include in your package:
      1. Carta Remisoria duly completed in Spanish and signed.
        Please prepare samples following the Specimen preparation donation guidelines
    4. For Marine biological and fresh water samples:
      Samples MUST be deposited in the “Museo de Biología Marina y Limnología” (University of Panama Marine Biology and Limnology Museum). The samples must be deposit in a labeled glass bottle. You must include in your package:
      1. Carta Remisoria duly completed in Spanish and signed
      2. Please contact Professor Edgardo Muñoz to deposit the samples at the Marine Biology and Limnology Museum and obtain the Carta Remisoria signed and stamp by the Museum Email edgardoabdiel@yahoo.com.
  5. If samples were collected in the Barro Colorado Natural Monument, the following documents will also be required:
    1. Curriculum Vitae in Spanish
    2. A Copy of the passport photo page. For Panama Citizens, include a copy of their Cédula instead of the passport photo page.
    3. Release of Responsibility. Download it here in English and Spanish.
    4. A Letter of Commitment signed in original by the Principal Investigator.
      1. If you are in Panama, please include a copy of the signed Letter of Commitment in your permit application package, and send/bring the original signed letter in person or by internal mail to:
        Scientific Permits Office – SPO
        Room 128
        Phone (507) 212-8082 / 212-8158
      2. If you are not in Panama, please include a copy of the signed Letter of Commitment in your permit application package, and send the original signed letter to:
        BY MAIL
        Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
        Attn: Scientific Permits Office – Scientific Permit Office (SPO)
        9100 Panama City PL
        MRC 580-12
        Washington, DC 20521-9100


        Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
        Attn: Scientific Permits Office – SPO
        Phone (507) 212-8082 / 212-8158
        Tupper – 401
        Balboa, Ancón
        Panamá, República de Panamá
  6. If exporting live samples, an Application to Export from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (MIDA) is required. The STRI Scientific Permit Office will take care of this requirement once the Ministerio de Ambiente Export Permit has been granted.
  7. If re-exporting samples, the following document will also be required:
    1. A Copy of the Import Permit.


The Ministry of Environment will not deliver your permit until they have received the letter of commitment signed in original

Please send the duly completed permit application package to the scientific permits office: stri-permits@si.edu

Panamanian authorities can take up to 45 working days to issue a permit (not counting holidays), in addition, the STRI office often requires a 2-week processing period, we therefore recommend that you submit your permit requests at least 3 months prior to the planned start of your work.


Please be aware that you are responsible for obtaining the proper import permits from the destination country for your samples. That permit must be included in your shipment. STRI will not be responsible for lost or damaged samples returned Panama due to the lack of an import permit and you will be charged for any additional fees incurred.

Please check with your airline carrier well in advance of your travel date for any restrictions in transporting your samples (live, dry or preserved). Airline captains will have the final word on what you can bring into the plane at the time of check-in at the airport.


Avoid return of CITES samples

CITES Export Permits MUST have the signature and official stamp from the Office of the Ministry of Environment at the Tocumen International Airport. This signature and stamp is mandatory by customs agencies in the destination country.

If you are taking the samples with you, on the day of your departure you MUST take your samples and CITES Export permit to be signed and stamp by the Office of the MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT at the Tocumen International Airport. The office is located inside the Custom Area on the ground floor. Please ask the security officer at the exit door of the Custom Area for the MiAmbiente staff.

If you are sending the samples by courier/mail, the STRI Traffic Section (trafico@si.edu) will take care of obtaining the signature and stamps at the Tocumen International before shipment. An additional fee will be charged for this service.

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