ACP Research

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Permit/Authorization to conduct research and educational projects in areas managed by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP)

STRI Permits Frequently Asked Questions

Please send the completed permit application package to the scientific permits office: Because this application package contains sensitive, private information, all documents must be submitted through a secure transfer service or an encrypted email, with the password called in by phone or on a separate email. Required information:

  1. Autoridad del Canal de Panamá Research Proposal completed in Spanish and signed. (Here is a list of independent translators, if needed).
  2. For each person included in the proposal the following is required:
    1. A copy of their passport photo page. For Panama citizens, include a copy of their cédula (government id) instead of the passport photo page.
  3. If you have been granted a permit from the ACP in the past, the following is required in addition to the above:
    1. Publications resulting from research conducted under those permits, including their abstracts in Spanish. If publications are not available a progress report on your findings is required.
    2. Copy of the expired (or current) ACP research permit.

Panamanian authorities may take up to 45 working days to issue a permit (not including holidays). In addition, the STRI office often requires a 2-week processing period. We therefore recommend that submission of permit requests at least 3 months prior to the planned start date.

IMPORTANT: When you publish or publicize your research:

Prior to any public release of publications, printed material, digital material, including presentations (PPT), ACP must review, revise, comment, and approve the results obtained from studies to which they have granted a scientific permit. Please submit any material to be delivered to ACP to Celideth de León ( at least 45 days before the expected submission or release of the material.

Upon publication of any results from a study done under an ACP permit, the ACP requires copies. Please submit to Celideth de León ( who will make sure they are delivered to the ACP.

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