Kristin Saltonstall
Saltonstall, Kristin, van Breugel, Michiel, Navia, Wayra, Castillo, Hilda, and Hall, Jefferson S. 2025. "Soil microbial communities in dry and moist tropical forests exhibit distinct shifts in community composition but not diversity with succession." Microbiology Spectrum,
Chavarria, Karina, Batista, Jorge, and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2024. "Widespread occurrence of fecal indicator bacteria in oligotrophic tropical streams. Are common culture-based coliform tests appropriate?" Peerj, 12.
Saltonstall, Kristin, Delgado, Jacqueline, Vargas, Marta, and Collin, Rachel. 2024. "Are passive collectors effective samplers of microbes in natural aquatic systems?" Frontiers in Freshwater Science, 2.
Sierra, Adriel M., Meléndez, Omayra, Bethancourt, Rita, Bethancourt, Ariadna, Rodríguez-Castro, Lilisbeth, López, Christian A., Sedio, Brian E., Saltonstall, Kristin, and Villarreal A., Juan Carlos. 2024. "Leaf Endophytes Relationship with Host Metabolome Expression in Tropical Gymnosperms." Journal of chemical ecology,
Villarreal Aguilar, Juan Carlos, Meléndez, Omayra, Bethancourt, Rita, Bethancourt, Ariadna, Rodríguez-Castro, Lilisbeth, Mendieta, Jorge, Durant, Armando, Vargas, Marta, Sedio, Brian, and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2024. "Two draft genomes of fungal leaf endophytes from tropical gymnosperms." Microbiology Resource Announcements,
Wong, Michelle Y., Wurzburger, Nina, Hall, Jefferson S., Wright, S. Joseph, Tang, Wenguang, Hedin, Lars O., Saltonstall, Kristin, van Breugel, Michiel, and Batterman, Sarah A. 2024. "Trees adjust nutrient acquisition strategies across tropical forest secondary succession." New Phytologist,
Chavarria, Karina A., Gonzalez, Carlos I., Goodridge, Amador, Saltonstall, Kristin, and Nelson, Kara L. 2023. "Bacterial communities in a neotropical full-scale drinking water system including intermittent piped water supply, from sources to taps." Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology,
Schreiber, Lennart, Castellanos-Galindo, Gustavo, Robertson, D. Ross, Torchin, Mark, Chavarria, Karina, Laakmann, Silke, and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2023. "Environmental DNA (eDNA) reveals potential for interoceanic fish invasions across the Panama Canal." Ecology and Evolution, 13, (1).
Saltonstall, Kristin, Chavarria, Karina, and Schreiber, Lennart. 2023. [Dataset] Enviromental DNA (eDNA) reveals potential for interoceanic fish invasions across the Panama Canal. Distributed by Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Saltonstall, Kristin, Hall, Jefferson, van Breugel, Michiel, Castillo, Hilda, and Navia, Wayra. 2023. [Dataset] Assembly of plant-associated soil microbial communities during succession in dry and moist Neotropical forests - ITS (Fungi) Data. Distributed by Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Saltonstall, Kristin, van Breugel, Michiel, Castillo, Hilda, Hall, Jefferson, and Navia, Wayra. 2023. [Dataset] Assembly of plant-associated soil microbial communities during succession in dry and moist Neotropical forests - AMF (18S) Dataset. Distributed by Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Saltonstall, Kristin, Villarreal, JCarlos, Meléndez, Omayra, Rodriguez, Lilisbeth, Bethancourt, Rita, and Bethancourt, Ariadna. 2023. [Dataset] Diversidad Morfológica y Genética de Hongos Endófitos de Dos Especies Endémicas de Zamia (Zamiaceae, Cycadophyta) de Panama. Distributed by Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Bellis, Emily S., Lucardi, Rima D., Saltonstall, Kristin, and Marsico, Travis D. 2022. "Predicting invasion risk of grasses in novel environments requires improved genomic understanding of adaptive potential." American Journal of Botany, 109, (12) 1965–1968.
Monteza-Moreno, Claudio M., Rodriguez-Castro, Lilisbeth, Castillo-Caballero, Pedro L., Toribio, Edgar, and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2022. "Arboreal camera trapping sheds light on seed dispersal of the world's only epiphytic gymnosperm: Zamia pseudoparasitica." Ecology and Evolution, 12, (3).
Nottingham, Andrew T., Scott, Jarrod J., Saltonstall, Kristin, Broders, Kirk, Montero-Sanchez, Maria, Püspök, Johann, Bååth, Erland, and Meir, Patrick. 2022. "Microbial diversity declines in warmed tropical soil and respiration rise exceed predictions as communities adapt." Nature Microbiology,
Chavarria, Karina A., Saltonstall, Kristin, Vinda, Jorge, Batista, Jorge, Lindmark, Megan, Stallard, Robert F., and Hall, Jefferson S. 2021. "Land use influences stream bacterial communities in lowland tropical watersheds." Scientific Reports, 11, (1) 21752.
Epihov, Dimitar Z., Saltonstall, Kristin, Batterman, Sarah A., Hedin, Lars O., Hall, Jefferson S., van Breugel, Michiel, Leake, Jonathan R., and Beerling, David J. 2021. "Legume-microbiome interactions unlock mineral nutrients in regrowing tropical forests." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, (11).
Castillo, Anakena M., Chavarria, Karina A., Saltonstall, Kristin, Arias, Carlos F., Mejía, Luis C., and De León, Luis F. 2021. "Salinity effects on the microbiome of a Neotropical water strider." Hydrobiologia,
Bell‐Doyon, Philip, Laroche, Jérôme, Saltonstall, Kristin, and Villareal Aguilar, Juan Carlos. 2020. "Specialized bacteriome uncovered in the coralloid roots of the epiphytic gymnosperm, Zamia pseudoparasitica." Environmental DNA, 2 418–428.
Castillo, Anakena M., Saltonstall, Kristin, Arias, Carlos F., Chavarria, Karina A., Ramírez-Camejo, Luis A., Mejía, Luis C., and De León, Luis F. 2020. "The Microbiome of Neotropical Water Striders and Its Potential Role in Codiversification." Insects, 11, (9) 578.
Hall, Jefferson S., Harris, David J., Saltonstall, Kristin, Medjibe, Vincent de Paul, Ashton, Mark S., and Turner, Benjamin L. 2020. "Resource acquisition strategies facilitate Gilbertiodendron dewevrei monodominance in African lowland forests." Journal of Ecology, 108, (2) 433–448.
Oliverio, Angela M., Bissett, Andrew, McGuire, Krista, Saltonstall, Kristin, Turner, Benjamin L., and Fierer, Noah. 2020. "The Role of Phosphorus Limitation in Shaping Soil Bacterial Communities and Their Metabolic Capabilities." mBio, 11, (5).
Saltonstall, Kristin, Bonnett, Graham D., and Aitken, Karen S. 2020. "A perfect storm: ploidy and preadaptation facilitate Saccharum spontaneum escape and invasion in the Republic of Panama." Biological Invasions,
Bennett, Kelly L., Almanza, Alejandro, McMillan, W. O., Saltonstall, Kristin, Vdovenko, Evangelina López, Vinda, Jorge S., Mejía, Luis, Driesse, Kaitlin, De León, Luis F., and Loaiza, José R. 2019. "Habitat disturbance and the organization of bacterial communities in Neotropical hematophagous arthropods." PLOS ONE, 14 1–19.
Bennett, Kelly L., Gómez-Martínez, Carmelo, Chin, Yamileth, Saltonstall, Kristin, McMillan, W. Owen, Rovira, José R., and Loaiza, José R. 2019. "Dynamics and diversity of bacteria associated with the disease vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus." Scientific Reports, 9 Article 12160.
González, Cely T., Saltonstall, Kristin, and Fernández-Marin, Hermogenes. 2019. "Garden microbiomes of Apterostigma dentigerum and Apterostigma pilosum fungus-growing ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Journal of Microbiology (Seoul, Korea), 1–10.
Kelehear, Crystal, Saltonstall, Kristin, and Torchin, Mark E. 2019. "Negative effects of parasitic lung nematodes on the fitness of a Neotropical toad (Rhinella horribilis)." Parasitology, 13 1–9.
Mighell, Kimberly, Saltonstall, Kristin, Turner, Benjamin L., Espinosa‐Tasón, Jaime, and Bael, Sunshine A. Van. 2019. "Abiotic and biotic drivers of endosymbiont community assembly in Jatropha curcas." Ecosphere, 10, (11) Article 02941.
Williams, Jared, Lambert, Adam M., Long, Randy, and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2019. "Does hybrid Phragmites australis differ from native and introduced lineages in reproductive, genetic, and morphological traits?" American Journal of Botany, 106, (1) 29–41.
Turner, Benjamin L., Zemunik, Graham, Laliberté, Etienne, Drake, Jeremy J., Jones, F. A., and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2018. "Contrasting patterns of plant and microbial diversity during long-term ecosystem development." Journal of Ecology, 1–16.
Rodgers, Torrey W., Xu, Charles C. Y., Giacalone, Jacalyn, Kapheim, Karen M., Saltonstall, Kristin, Vargas, Marta, Yu, Douglas W., Somervuo, Panu, McMillan, W. O., and Jansen, Patrick A. 2017. "Carrion fly-derived DNA metabarcoding is an effective tool for mammal surveys: evidence from a known tropical mammal community." Molecular Ecology Resources, 17, (6) e133–e145.
Aiello, Annette, Saltonstall, Kristin, and Young, Victor. 2016. "Brachyplatys vahlii (Fabricius, 1787), an introduced bug from Asia: first report in the Western Hemisphere (Hemiptera: Plataspidae: Brachyplatidinae)." BioInvasions Records: International Journal of Field Research on Biological Invasions, 5, (1) 7–12.
Guevara, Elaine E., Veilleux, Carrie C., Saltonstall, Kristin, Caccone, Adalgisa, Mundy, Nicholas I., and Bradley, Brenda J. 2016. "Potential arms race in the coevolution of primates and angiosperms: brazzein sweet proteins and gorilla taste receptors." American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 161, (1) 181–185.
Lambert, Adam M., Saltonstall, Kristin, Long, Randy, and Dudley, Tom L. 2016. "Biogeography of Phragmitesaustralis lineages in the southwestern United States." Biological Invasions, 18, (9) 2597–2617.
Saltonstall, Kristin. 2016. "The naming of Phragmites haplotypes." Biological Invasions, 18, (9) 2433–2441.
Saltonstall, Kristin, Lambert, Adam M., and Rice, Nick. 2016. "What happens in Vegas, better stay in Vegas: Phragmites australis hybrids in the Las Vegas Wash." Biological Invasions, 18, (9) 2463–2474.
Saltonstall, Kristin and Meyerson, Laura A. 2016. "Phragmites australis: from genes to ecosystems." Biological Invasions, 18, (9) 2415–2420.
Sellers, Andrew J., Saltonstall, Kristin, and Davidson, Timothy M. 2015. "The introduced alga Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty ex P.C. Silva, 1996) in abandoned cultivation sites in Bocas del Toro, Panama." BioInvasions Records: International Journal of Field Research on Biological Invasions, 4, (1) 1–7.
Bonnett, Graham D., Kushner, Josef N. S., and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2014. "The reproductive biology of Saccharum spontaneum L.: implications for management of this invasive weed in Panama." NeoBiota, 20 61–79.
Hardion, Laurent, Verlaque, Regine, Saltonstall, Kristin, Leriche, Agathe, and Vila, Bruno. 2014. "Origin of the invasive Arundo donax (Poaceae): a trans-Asian expedition in herbaria." Annals of Botany, 114, (3) 455–462.
Kelehear, Crystal, Saltonstall, Kristin, and Torchin, Mark E. 2014. "An introduced pentastomid parasite (Raillietiella frenata) infects native cane toads (Rhinella marina) in Panama." Parasitology, 1–5.
Saltonstall, Kristin, Castillo, Hilda E., and Blossey, Bernd. 2014. "Confirmed field hybridization of native and introduced Phragmites australis (Poaceae) in North America." American Journal of Botany, 101, (1) 211–215.
Schlöder, Carmen, Canning-Clode, João, Saltonstall, Kristin, Strong, Ellen E., Ruiz, Gregory M., and Torchin, Mark E. 2013. "The Pacific bivalve Anomia peruviana in the Atlantic: a recent invasion across the Panama Canal?" Aquatic Invasions, 8, (4) 443–448.
Saltonstall, Kristin and Bonnett, Graham D. 2012. "Fire promotes growth and reproduction of Saccharum spontaneum (L.) in Panama." Biological Invasions, 14, (12) 2479–2488.
Saltonstall, Kristin and Lambertini, Carla. 2012. "The value of repetitive sequences in chloroplast DNA for phylogeographic inference: A comment on Vachon & Freeland 2011." Molecular Ecology Resources, 12, (4) 581–585.
Garen, Eva J., Saltonstall, Kristin, Ashton, Mark S., Slusser, Jacob L., Mathias, Shane, and Hall, Jefferson S. 2011. "The tree planting and protecting culture of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists in rural Panama: Opportunities for reforestation and land restoration." Forest Ecology and Management, 261, (10) 1684–1695.
Hall, Jefferson S., Love, Brian E., Garen, Eva J., Slusser, Jacob L., Saltonstall, Kristin, Mathias, Shane, van Breugel, Michiel, Ibarra, Diogenes, Bork, Edward W., Spaner, Dean, Wishnie, Mark H., and Ashton, Mark S. 2011. "Tree plantations on farms: Evaluating growth and potential for success." Forest Ecology and Management, 261, (10) 1675–1683.
Hauber, Donald P., Saltonstall, Kristin, White, David A., and Hood, Craig S. 2011. "Genetic Variation in the Common Reed, Phragmites australis, in the Mississippi River Delta Marshes: Evidence for Multiple Introductions." Estuaries and Coasts, 34, (4) 851–862.
Saltonstall, Kristin. 2011. "Remnant native Phragmites australis maintains genetic diversity despite multiple threats." Conservation Genetics, 12, (4) 1027–1033.
Lambert, Adam M., Dudley, Tom L., and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2010. "Ecology and Impacts of the Large-Statured Invasive Grasses Arundo donax and Phragmites australis in North America." Invasive Plant Science and Management, 3, (4) 489–494.