STRI Coral Reef

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Donald M. Windsor

Keller, Gwen P., Windsor, Donald M., Saucedo, Jennifer M., and Werren, John H. 2004. "Reproductive Effects and Geographical Distributions of Two Wolbachia Strains Infecting the Neotropical Beetle, Chelymorpha Alternans Boh. (Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae)." Molecular Ecology, (8) 2405–2420.
Pasteels, Jacques M., Daloze, Desire, de Biseau, Jean-Christophe, Termonia, Arnaud, and Windsor, Donald M. 2004. "Patters in Host-Plant Association and Defensive Toxins Produced by Neotropical Chrysomeline Beetles." In New Developments in the Biology of Chrysomelidae. Jolivet, Pierre H., Santiago-Blay, Jorge A., and Schmitt, M., editors. 669. SPB Academic Publications.
Rodriguez, Viterbo, Windsor, Donald M., and Eberhard, William G. 2004. "Tortoise Beetle Genitalia and Demonstrations of a Sexually Selected Advantage for Flagellum Length in Chelymorpha Alternans (Chrysomelidae, Cassidini, Stolaini)." In New Developments in the Biology of Chrysomelidae. Jolivet, Pierre H., Santiago-Blay, Jorge A., and Schmitt, M., editors. 739. SPB Academic Publications.
Vencl, Fredric V., Levy, Andre, Geeta, R., Keller, Gwen P., and Windsor, Donald M. 2004. "Observations on the Natural History, Systematics and Phylogeny of the Criocerinae of Costa Rica and Panamá." In New Developments in the Biology of Chrysomelidae. Jolivet, Pierre H., Santiago-Blay, Jorge A., and Schmitt, M., editors. 423. SPB Academic Publications.
Pasteels, Jacques M., Termonia, Arnaud, Daloze, Desire, and Windsor, Donald M. 2003. "Distribution of Toxins in Chrysomeline Leaf Beetles: Possible Taxonimic Inferences." In Special Topics in Leaf Beetle Biology. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the Chrysomelidae. Furth, David George, editor. 261–275. Sofia: Pensoft Publishers.
Pasteels, Jacques M., Theuring, Claudine, Windsor, Donald M., and Hartmann, Thomas. 2003. "Uptake and Metabolism of [14C]Rinderine and [14C]Retronecine in Leaf-Beetles of the Genus Platyphora and Alkaloid Accumulation in the Exocrine Defensive Secretions." Chemoecology, 13, (1) 55–62.
DeWayne Shoemaker, D., Machado, Carlos A., Molbo, Drude, Werren, John H., Windsor, Donald M., and Herre, Edward Allen. 2002. "The Distribution of Wolbachia in Fig Wasps: Correlations With Host Phylogeny, Ecology and Population Structure." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, (1506) 2257–2267.
Termonia, Arnaud, Pasteels, Jacques M., Windsor, Donald M., and Milinkovitch, Michel C. 2002. "Dual Chemical Sequestration: A Key Mechanism in Transitions Among Ecological Specialization." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, (1486) 1–6.
Kaspari, Michael E., Pickering, John, Longino, John T., and Windsor, Donald M. 2001. "The Phenology of a Neotropical Ant Assemblage: Evidence for Continuous and Overlapping Reproduction." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, (4) 382–390.
Kaspari, Michael E., Pickering, John, and Windsor, Donald M. 2001. "The Reproductive Flight Phenology of a Neotropical Ant Assemblage." Ecological Entomology, (3) 245–257.
Pasteels, Jacques M., Termonia, Arnaud, Windsor, Donald M., Wittle, Ludger, Theuring, Claudine, and Hartmann, Thomas. 2001. "Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Pentacyclic Triterpene Saponins in the Defensive Secretions of Platyphora Leaf Beetles." Chemoecology, (3) 113–120.
Windsor, Donald M. 2001. "¿Por Qué Hay Más De 10,000 Especies De Escarabajos En Panamá?" In Panamá: Puente biológico: Las Charlas Smithsonian del Mes, 1996-1999. Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley, editor. 126–130. Balboa, Panamá: Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales.
Murakami, T., Higashi, Seigo, and Windsor, Donald M. 2000. "Mating Frequency, Colony Size, Polyethism and Sex Ratio in Fungus-Growing Ants (Attini)." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, (4) 276–284.
Plasman, V., Braekman, J. C., Daloze, D., Luhmer, M., Windsor, Donald M., and Pasteels, Jacques M. 2000. "Triterpene Saponins in the Defensive Secretion of a Chrysomelid Beetle, Platyphora ligata." Journal of Natural Products, 63, (5) 646–649.
Plasman, V., Braekman, J. C., Daloze, D., Windsor, Donald M., and Pasteels, Jacques M. 2000. "Triterpene Saponins, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, Phosphatidyl Cholines, and Amino Acids in the Pronotal and Elytral Secretions of Platyphora Opima and Desmogramma Subtropica." Journal of Natural Products, (9) 1261–1264.
Werren, John H. and Windsor, Donald M. 2000. "Wolbachia infection frequencies in insects: evidence of a global equilibrium?" Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1450 1277–1285.
Wilf, Peter, Labandeira, Conrad C., Kress, W. John, Staines, Charles L., Windsor, Donald M., Allen, A. L., and Johnson, Kirk R. 2000. "Timing the radiations of leaf-beetles: Hispines on gingers from Latest Cretaceous to Recent." Science, 289 291–294.
Bartlett, R., Pickering, J., Gauld, I. D., and Windsor, Donald M. 1999. "Estimating Global Biodiversity: Tropical Beetles and Wasps Send Different Signals." Ecological Entomology, (1) 118–121.
Cox, M. L. and Windsor, Donald M. 1999. "The First Instar Larva of Aulacoscelis Appendiculata N. Sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Aulacoscelinae) and Its Value in the Placement of the Aulacoscelinae." Journal of Natural History, 1049–1087.
Hsiao, Ting H. and Windsor, Donald M. 1999. "Historical and Biological Relationships Among Hispinae Inferred From 12S MtDNA Sequence Data." In Advances in Chysomelidae Biology. Cox, M. L., editor. 39. Backhuys Publishers.
Kursar, Thomas A., Capson, Todd L., Coley, Phyllis D., Corley, David G., Gupta, Mahabir P., Harrison, Leslie A., Ortega-Barría, Eduardo, and Windsor, Donald M. 1999. "Ecologically Guided Bioprospecting in Panamá." Pharmaceutical Biology, 114–126.
Suzuki, Kunio and Windsor, Donald M. 1999. "The Internal Reproductive System of Panamanian Aulacoscelis Sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Aulacoscelinae) and Comments on the Systematic Position of the Subfamily." Entomological Science, (3) 391–398.
Windsor, Donald M., Ness, Joshua, Gomez, Luis Diego, and Jolivet, Pierre H. 1999. "Species of Aulacoscelis Duponchel and Chevrolat (Chrysomelidae) and Nomotus Gorham (Languriidae) Feed on Fronds of Central American Cycads." The Coleopterists Bulletin, (3) 217–231.
Butler, Barbara, Freer, Valerie M., Jones, Phyllis R., Sabin, Walton B., and Windsor, Donald M. 1997. "A bibliography of New York State ornithology for 1996." Kingbird, 47, (4) 273–281.
Windsor, Donald M. and Jolivet, Pierre H. 1997. "Cycad-feeding by an ancient beetle, Aulacoscelis in Panama." Chrysomela, 34 5.
Herre, Edward Allen, Machado, Carlos A., Bermingham, Eldredge, Nason, James D., and Windsor, Donald M. 1996. "Molecular phylogenies of figs and their pollinator wasps." Journal of Biogeography, 23, (4) 521–530.
Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Rand, Austin Stanley, and Windsor, Donald M. 1996. The ecology of a tropical forest: seasonal rhythms and long-term changes. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
West, Stuart A., Herre, Edward Allen, Windsor, Donald M., and Green, Philip R. S. 1996. "The ecology and evolution of the New World non-pollinating fig wasp communities." Journal of Biogeography, 23, (4) 447–458.
Windsor, Donald M. and Jolivet, Pierre H. 1996. "Aspects of the morphology and ecology of two Panamanian ant-plants, Hoffmannia vesiculifera (Rubiaceae) and Besleria formicaria (Gesneriaceae)." Journal of Tropical Ecology, 12, (6) 835–842.
Windsor, Donald M., Trapnell, Dorset W., and Amat, German. 1996. "The egg capitulum of a neotropical walkingstick, Calynda bicuspis, induces aboveground egg dispersal by the ponerine ant, Ectatomma ruidum." Journal of Insect Behavior, 9, (3) 353–367.
Werren, John H., Windsor, Donald M., and Guo, Lirong. 1995. "Distribution of Wolbachia among neotropical arthropods." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 262, (1364) 197–204.
Windsor, Donald M., Macedo, Margarete Valverde De, and Siqueira, Campos Antonio De Toledo. 1995. "Flower feeding by species of Echoma Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) on Mikania (Asteraceae) in Panama and Brazil." The Coleopterists Bulletin, 49, (2) 101–108.
Nedved, Oldrich and Windsor, Donald M. 1994. "Allometry in sexual dimorphism of Stenotarsus rotundus Arrow (Coleoptera: Endomychidae)." The Coleopterists Bulletin, 48, (1) 51–59.
Nedved, Oldrich and Windsor, Donald M. 1994. "Supercooling ability, fat and water contents in a diapausing tropical beetle, Stenotarsus rotundus (Coleoptera: Endomychidae)." European Journal of Entomology, 91, (3) 307–312.
Rodriguez, Viterbo, Windsor, Donald M., and Wright, S. Joseph. 1994. "Biodiversity and Host Plant Associations in the Coleoptera and Homoptera of a Tropical Forest Canopy." In Accessing the Canopy: Assessment of Biological Diversity and Microclimate of the Tropical Canopy. Phase I. Wright, S. Joseph and Colley, Marti, editors. 14–15. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Program, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Parque Natural Metropolitano.
Windsor, Donald M. and Choe, Jae Chun. 1994. "Origins of Parental Care in Chrysomelid Beetles." In Novel Aspects of the Biology of Chrysomelidae. Jolivet, P. H., Cox, M. L., and Petitpierre, E., editors. 111–117. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press.
Windsor, Donald M., Riley, Edward G., and Stockwell, Henry P. 1992. "An Introduction to the Biology and Systematics of Panamanian Tortoise Beetles (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae:Cassidinae)." In Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica - Selected Studies. Quintero A., Diomedes and Aiello, Annette, editors. 372–391. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dietrich, William E., Windsor, Donald M., and Dunne, Thomas. 1990. "Geología, Clima e Hidrología de la Isla de Barro Colorado." In Ecología de un bosque tropical: ciclos estacionales y cambios a largo plazo. Rand, Austin Stanley, Windsor, Donald M., and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 25–51. Balboa, Republic of Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr. and Windsor, Donald M. 1990. "Producción del Bosque y Regulación de Consumidores Primarios de la Isla de Barro Colorado." In Ecología de un bosque tropical: ciclos estacionales y cambios a largo plazo. Rand, Austin Stanley, Windsor, Donald M., and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 179–190. Balboa, Republic of Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Windsor, Donald M., Rand, Austin Stanley, and Foster, Robin B. 1990. "The Impact of the El Niño Drought of 1982-83 on a Panamanian Semidecidious Forest." In Global Ecological Consequences of The 1982-83 El Nino-Southern Oscillation. Glynn, Peter William, editor. 473–486. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., Windsor, Donald M., Rand, Austin Stanley, and Foster, Robin B. 1990. "The impact of the 'El Nino' drought of 1982-83 on a Panamanian semideciduous forest." Elsevier Oceanography Series, 52 473–486.
Levings, Sally C. and Windsor, Donald M. 1990. "Fluctuaciones de las Poblaciones de Artrópodos de Hojarasca." In Ecología de un bosque tropical: ciclos estacionales y cambios a largo plazo. Rand, Austin Stanley, Windsor, Donald M., and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 443–452. Balboa, Republic of Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Windsor, Donald M., Rand, Austin Stanley, and Rand, William M. 1990. "Características de la Precipitación de la Isla de Barro Colorado." In Ecología de un bosque tropical: ciclos estacionales y cambios a largo plazo. Rand, Austin Stanley, Windsor, Donald M., and Leigh, Egbert Giles, Jr., editors. 53–71. Balboa, Republic of Panama: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
Cubit, John D., Caffey, Hugh M., Thompson, Ricardo C., and Windsor, Donald M. 1989. "Meteorology and hydrography of a shoaling reef flat on the Caribbean coast of Panama." Coral Reefs, 8, (2) 59–66.
Windsor, Donald M., Morrison, D. W., Estribi, Miguel A., and de Leon, Bonifacio. 1989. "Phenology of Fruit and Leaf Production by 'Strangler' Figs on Barro Colorado Island, Panamá." Experientia, 45 647–653.
Cubit, John D., Thompson, Ricardo C., Caffey, Hugh M., and Windsor, Donald M. 1988. Hydrographic and Meterological Studies of a Caribbean Fringing Reef at Punta Galeta, Panamá: Hourly and Daily Variations for 1977-1985. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. In Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, 32.
De Steven, Diane, Windsor, Donald M., Putz, Francis E., and de Leon, Bonifacio. 1987. "Vegetative and Reproductive Phenologies of a Palm Assemblage in Panama." Biotropica, 19, (4) 342–356.
Putz, Francis E. and Windsor, Donald M. 1987. "Liana Phenology on Barro Colorado Island, Panama." Biotropica, 19, (4) 334–341.
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